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Saving Time and Money With Pot Luck Parties

Saving Time and Money With Pot Luck Parties


In these times getting family and friends together to enjoy a beautiful day is getting tougher. Time and money are getting shorter. Most people have other things on their mind. A great way to get everyone together on a low budget is to have a pot luck meal. It keeps the cost low and everyone can pitch in.

If you have a large and diverse family such as mine, it is a mandatory thing to get together a much as possible. Like every weekend, especially in the spring and summer. Imagine 20-25 people over every other weekend. That can cut in on the budget no matter who you are.

With everyone on board a pot luck can be the saving grace that keeps the party going. Each family can bring something that will contribute to the cause. Whether it’s a special dish that is only prepared on special occasions and it’s time to show off the cooking skills or a case of cold ones, every angle can be covered at a very low cost.

It is easy to entertain with everyone pitching in. With email, texting and all of the other ways to communicate, everyone can be on the same page. Food and drinks can be coordinated so everyone knows what to bring. If you brought the paper plates and plastic ware the last time, this time you should bring the meat. If you brought the meat last time, this time you should bring the drinks.

Another great thing about coordinating a pot luck party a few days ahead is you can go to the grocery store the day before and prepare the dish the night before. You don’t have to be in the kitchen thinking of what to make, how much time it’s going to take and how much it’s going to cost if you had to make enough food for everyone. You will be able to focus on one or two dishes and pour in the love it takes to make it the best dish at the party.

We all like to see everyone enjoying themselves, the food and drinks, but when the party is over how much fun is it to have to wash a cookware set, four kitchen knives, a stock pot and a rice cooker. That’s another hour in the kitchen after the party. With pot luck, you might only have to wash one of each and when the party is over and everyone is ready to leave, the containers that were used can go home with whomever they came with.


Source by Jeremy Spreitzer

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