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Learn the Truth About Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews

Learn the Truth About Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews


Depending on anti wrinkle cream reviews as a way of gauging the overall effectiveness of the product is not the best of ideas. The people whose opinions are represented for the most part are not specifically qualified to judge and compare anti aging wrinkle cream. They know that they either like them or not, but really can not explain why.

If you do not know about the individual ingredients involved or how those compounds interact in order to produce the desired cosmetic effect then you are really not qualified to conduct anti wrinkle cream reviews. They also probably do not have an understanding of how the ingredients may interact with the individuals own chemistry in order to produce a desired effect.

Case in point, while reading just the other day an article meant to compare anti aging wrinkle cream, the consumer complained of itching, redness and irritation from a particular products use. Deeming the product 'dangerous' the reviewer trounced the product. The only thing wrong with making a statement about the safety of a product is that while one person may have had an adverse reaction, others may do just fine.

The consumer never took into consideration that they may have simply had an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in the product. Many skin care products contain compounds which are known allergens such as alcohol, mineral oil, paraffin and parabens. If that particular consumer had an allergic reaction, it was a personal experience, and the product may not affect another negatively.

It is my opinion that the only people who should ever be allowed to conduct anti wrinkle cream reviews are professionals with some background in the sciences. I am not talking about the actor in the lab coat on a company's infomercial exclaiming the wonders of the product. I'm talking about testers from an independent laboratory who could compare anti aging wrinkle cream in both a knowledgeable and unbiased way.

Never take any anti wrinkle cream reviews orchestrated by the manufactures of the selected product at face value, because all you're getting is company propaganda. These usually involve the throwing around of well known skin care terms such as collagen as a way to convince those who really do not understand what their hearing that a product is good.

Collagen, when derived from outside of the body is dangerous at best. The form used most is actually taken from cow hide, and it can produce such a strong allergic reaction in humans that allergy testing is required before injection treatments can begin. The topical version of collagen can be obtained without testing (although I do not know why), but this version is totally useless as collagen can not be absorbed through the skin.

A better bet if you were to compare anti aging wrinkle cream would be to select a product that uses keratin instead of collagen. A company in New Zealand has developed just such a product by deriving the keratin blend from the wool of a certain sheep. The use of the keratin stimulates the safe, natural production of collagen and new skin cells.

Remember to do your research before you buy, look for all natural ingredients, and take everything you read in anti wrinkle cream reviews with a grain of salt.


Source by Laurel Levine

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