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Plan Your Wedding Cheaply – 3 Questions to Start Planning Your Perfectly-Priced, Perfect Wedding

Plan Your Wedding Cheaply – 3 Questions to Start Planning Your Perfectly-Priced, Perfect Wedding


You've been blessed with more meaning than money. You're worried that this might not be the best foundation for creating the wedding celebration you want to have. I think if you can figure out how to share your values, beliefs and dreams, you can have a wonderful wedding. Your task is to find the balance between meaning and money. Some things cost money. There's no way around that. You're going to have to decide how you want to allocate your money, plunking down cash where it's important and smoothing over the places where it matters less to you.

How to create your perfectly priced wedding?

  1. Outline your wedding ceremony . Figure out what goes in a wedding ceremony. What's going to take you from engaged to married. (No, I'm not talking about the legal stuff!) I'm wondering what you want to tell your community about how you love one another. They're going to want to support you, but you have to let them know what it is you want them to support.
  2. Work on your wedding vows . What do you want to promise one other about your making a marriage that works? You want to build your wedding to your skills, values, beliefs and dreams about your marriage, so that you wind up with the marriage that you want. You've invited your guests to your wedding to witness your wedding vows. What do you want them to hear, support and celebrate?
  3. Figure out your wedding budget . How much money do you really have to spend? Given that the theme of your wedding day is your wedding ceremony and the community support for your wedding vows, how do you spend your money to augment those goals? You're going to spend money on creating your ceremony. Because that money is money spent on creating your marriage. What traditional pieces of the wedding reception do you want to include? What says "marriage" to you? Once you allocate your moneys, you're going to have to agree to stick to that budget.

Taking the time to work through these issues before you get started on your planning can go a long way to keeping your wedding modest in expenses and rich in meaning. The richness of meaning will make for a fabulous wedding ceremony. It will also be the thing that keeps you involved and celebrating your marriage many years from now. And that's what you want. How about it? You save money and create a great marriage. Now that's a bargain!


Source by Ann Keeler Evans

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