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Abdominal Lipo-Sculpture

Abdominal Lipo-Sculpture


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that permanently removes the fats and thus makes the body parts more firm and toner. People opt for abdominal liposuction because it's safer and less risky as compared to crash diets. Abdominal fat is accumulated due to overeating or due to inheritance or lack of exercise.

Many patients are discouraged by stressful tummy tucker exercise when they do not see a flatter abdomen. Sometimes the women get into depression when they see excessive love handles, because the overall proportion of the body looses its shape and size. Abdominal liposuction is the most taken out surgery as people love to see flat and slender tummy and its sometimes used for weight loss.

Tumescent liposuction is a breakthrough in the cosmetic surgery as it has taken beauty to a new ultimatum. In this technique the fatty area is filled with a diluted solution using a local anesthesia thus saving on the complication anesthesia techniques. This liquid then causes comparisons of fat that swelling the area. This technique thus helps the dermatologic surgeons to efficiently and safely remove the wonderful and deep layers of fat with ease. Dr. Christopher Freville demonstrates this technique takes less time to heal and it has shown remarkable results. This also reduces the amount of blood loss that reducing blood transfusion.

Benefits of Abdominal Liposuction

This breach technique boosts self-confidence to those who have lost hope in exercise by providing them a newly trim abdomen. This also helps patients flaunt their tummy and make life more pleasurable as they find their gorgeous clothes fitting them better. The entire procedure take about 2 hours and if the amount of the fat that's removed is less than the surgery can be performed in the clinic and if the amount of fat if more than the surgeon perform the surgery in the hospital as the patient requires after surgery supervision.

How long is the recovery period?

The bruising and the swellings heal within three weeks and the patient can begin performing light activities of get back to light desk jobs within 48 hours. Strenuous activity should be avoided for a month and it's very important that the patient continous wearing compression garment even after 6 weeks till the doctor advises him or her to remove.

Usually the results are seen within 6-8 weeks. But before opting for such a surgery, the patient must check whether he or she is qualified for undergoing abdominal liposuction. One should always bear in mind that more the fats; more cooperation of the patient is needed. One will have to put in extra effort and understand the realistic expectations. Age is not a limit in such a surgery but additional diseases like diabetes or heart or lung disorder should be informed to the doctor.

Side effects of Abdominal Liposuction

Although abdominal liposuction is considered to be one of the safest procedure, it has its certain risks. Complications are rare but sometimes problems like clotting formation, delaying in heeling etc takes place. The patient might also suffer from drug reactions and sometimes the wound opens up. Here the patients should always opt for professional surgeons who specialize in abdominal surgery.

Cost of the surgery

The entire procedure cost ranges from $ 3,000 to $ 6,500 but if may differ from region to region. The result is long lasting and if the person continues to be active and perform regular exercise then he or she can enjoy the result forever.


Source by Teresa Edwards

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