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Wedding Videos in HD


Wedding videography and HD

There is often a lot of nonsense talked about HD when shooting in wedding videos HD. So we hope that below explains (without getting too geeky or too long winded) what it is really and what you should watch out for when reading through all the stuff you find from videographers about wedding videos in HD.

HD and SD High Definition and Standard Definition

HD has 2 main differences from SD – Resolution and frame rendering.

HD also referrs to a variety of different resolutions resolutions higher than SD. While a Standard Definition TV has one set resolution. Which is 720×576 lines or pixels (see what happens if you were put to your computer screen to this resolution) shown at 25 frames per second (in cinema this is 24 f / s and Tv the USA is just under 30f / s) The frames in SD TV are what are known as interlaced – meaning that 1 frame is actually made up of 2 frames lashed together in strips. All the even numbered horizontal lines mixed with odd numbered lines of the following frame. – Kind of like lacing your fingers together, but not, as you would only need half the fingers on each hand. If that makes sense.

The two main (there really are way too many to mention) resolutions for HD are 1440×1080 and 1920×1080. Practically all HD TVs and HD players can play these resolutions. A lot of HD movies are in 1440×1080 and a lot HD broadcast is in 1920×1080. So typically a decent new HD player will be playing at 1440×1080 and a decent HD TV can show a whole variety of HD formats including 1920×1080. For wedding video or event videography shooting in HD will often be of the 1440×1080 variety. Simply due to cost. Shooting at a resolution of 1920×1080 can produce quite odd files sizes, making editing only possible with very expensive hardware. (There is also color space to add to the equation with the three main settings of 4: 4: 4, 4: 2: 2 and 4: 2: 0 just in case you want to go further into detail and do a wikipiedia)
Also what many people do not realize is that they can already watch HD on their computers as the screen's resolution is high enough to cope with the increased information especially for those provided with a separate graphics card

Up conversion and Down conversion

Sooner or latter everyone will have a HD TV. However while HD TV and HD players should be able to show SD films (just). A film shot in SD can only be "up converted" to HD. Kind of like transfering your old VHS cassettes to DVD. It works but does not look too great.

But films shot in HD can be "down converted" to be shown on an SD TV and looks absolutely stunning. Or in other words if it was shot in SD, really that makes it SD, whether or not it is converted to HD.

The "i" and the "p"

However, (other geekier settings) aside, the real nub of the matter is in how frames are rendered. You may often see an "i" in HD descriptions of wedding videography as in 1080i. This "i" is our old friend (and we mean old) interlaced frames. (half the fingers on each hand laced together)

The whole point of HD is that it mimics film. Film is not made of interlaced frames, but full individual frames. This is the main reason why it looks so nice as each frames is literal a still photo. In HD this is referred to as "p". or progressive scan. Simply "i" is not "proper" HD, rather a half way house, while "p" is what one could call "full HD".
Therefore if your footage was shot in "i" you can not change it to the far superior "p" later (when you get a lovely new HD TV). You have to "de-interlace" in edit which literally makes up / inserts the missing odd and even lines. Not good at it really negates the whole point of having HD. So regardless of all the flim flam that is spoken about HD in wedding videography. If you see an "i" remember that this old technology and "p" is the one of the main advantages HD has over SD.

In conclusion

Simply put if it is advertised as HD or "Supplied to BluRay" Make sure its shot and edited in HD rather than upscaled footage and be sure they use "p" Finally even if you have a SD TV and ordinary DVD player there is no harm in having the master shot and edited in HD and then have an edit "down converted" to SD. That way you can get your wedding video company to edit original HD once you upgrade your SD equipment.


Source by Monica Lombardi

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