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Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews – Here's Some Help So You Can Avoid All The Junk That's Out There

Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews – Here's Some Help So You Can Avoid All The Junk That's Out There


Reading anti wrinkle cream reviews can be depressing. Most people are really unhappy with the performance. Allergic reactions and irritations are common.

I decided to compare anti aging wrinkle cream based on ingredients. I did a lot of reading about what dermatologists recommend. You can not learn much from reading anti wrinkle cream reviews. Most consumers do not even know what the ingredients are.

I learned that cosmetic companies in the United States are not required to use safe ingredients. There's lead in lipstick, for example. There are chemicals in lotions and creams that are known carcinogens and others that cause birth defects.

There are some common ingredients that are self-defeating, because they actually slow down the natural skin rejuvenation process. If you compare anti aging wrinkle cream and you see that petrolatum, paraffin wax or mineral oil is an ingredient, then do not buy it.

Petroleum derivatives like those will clog the pores, cause excess dryness and inhibit cell rejuvenation. Dermatologists have known that for years, but cosmetic companies keep right on using those ingredients, because they are cheap.

When consumers write anti wrinkle cream reviews and they talk about allergic reactions or irritations, there are two common ingredients that cause these problems. The two most common allergens are perfumes or fragrances and preservatives. It is best to avoid those ingredients.

When you compare anti aging wrinkle cream ingredients, you begin to see why there are so many unhappy people and so many adverse reactions. But, once you do some research, you also realize that people are risking their health, without doing anything to improve the long-term appearance of their skin.

One product is a home "peel". It is supposed to improve the appearance of dull, lifeless, sun-damaged skin by peeling off the surface layer, presumably to stimulate cell renewal and bringing "fresh" cells to the surface.

Let me stop right here and say that's not how the skin works. The epidermis (the outermost layer) is composed of entirely dead cells. Those dead cells protect the deer layers from damage. Removing some of them will do nothing to stimulate cell production. They fall off on their own with gentle daily cleansing.

This is what frustrates me about reading anti wrinkle cream reviews. Consumers are not getting the information that they need to accurately evaluate or compare anti aging wrinkle cream. They are getting advertising hype and dangerous substances.

One of the primary ingredients in the peel is titanium dioxide, which was recently listed as a possible carcinogen. There are five different parabens, preservatives that have been linked to cancer, alcohol, which is drying and fragrance, which causes allergic reactions.

The shame is that companies do not have to use any of these dangerous chemicals. You can stimulate cell production and grow new collagen and elastin fibers. But, what the body needs to do that is nourishment.

You should only consider or compare anti aging wrinkle cream that contains vitamin E, COQ10, protein peptides and natural plant oils. If companies were required to use these, then you would see more positive anti wrinkle cream reviews.


Source by William Leonard

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