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Beauty Tips Or the Holidays

Beauty Tips Or the Holidays


Great makeup tips for the holiday season. It is always smart to use products that are fragrance and alcohol free to avoid excess drying of the skin. Always use a mild cleansing cream rather than soap.

Always keep a blush Chapstick or lipstick handy to protect your lips.

Eyebrow pencils and eyeliners can really bring out your eyes and eyebrows.

Never share your makeup or skin care products with other people this can lead to sharing of disease or infections. Mascara is one that can be a source of potential infection.

Always apply lotion on damp skin and rehydrate when possible with sprays.

Never rub too hard with a sponge or washcloth.

As far as lipstick colors orange, red, neutral or pink are great choices brown is never a good idea to to the fact that it adds age to your face instantly.

As your skin becomes dry choose products that keep your face moist. Tinted lotions always a good choice instead of foundation. It will give you a fresh and glowing look. For your cheeks, a cream blush is great to avoid bringing out wrinkles. For your lips, lip gloss can add volume as we age our lips tend to shrink, any kind of gloss gives them volume and makes them look much fuller.

Always carefully choose your colors go for bright upbeat colors like pastels, neutrals or nectars. Again stay away from Brown for obvious reasons. If your hair is gray never use blue-based arrays this will make it appear as if you're wearing blue shadow which is very old-school.

Never make drastic changes in your makeup from day to day if you feel comfortable go for the natural look. Remember your eyes always deserve extra attention. Plenty of eye shadow but stay with mute soft colors. Lean towards darker colors in the crease of your eyelid and for your eyeliner to bring definition to your eyes and be sure to use mascara on your lower and upper lashes.

Now let's talk about bags under your eyes Everyone knows these are unsightly and unattractive. Use a slightly lighter shade of foundation to cover your dark circles under your eyes. If your shoulders are full contour lightly and again do not forget that lipgloss.

Lastly, when experimenting with makeup eyeshadows and foundation is always a good idea to consult a professional at one of the many department stores that carry a full line of makeup products. Often the women that work in the beauty departments are very skilled at makeup application and can offer terrific advice. They have color matching pallets and even special computer imaging software that can give you the perfect look and tone that you desire.


Source by Eric Christopher

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