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Eyevive Review – How Well Does It Work?

Eyevive Review – How Well Does It Work?


Dark circles. Eye bags. Puffy eyes. These conditions make you feel tired, haggard, and old. And they're the reason why most people do not want them. But whether you like it or not, you're bound to get them from time to time, especially if you have allergies, smoke a lot, spend a great deal of time outdoors under the sun, take too much salt, or if your parents have them. In most cases, these are temporary problems and nothing to worry about. Often, they simply mean you're getting old!

For people who can not accept this, the cosmetics counter or drugstore may offer various ways to deal with these problems. The trick is finding a product that actually works. For one who relies primarily on advertising, hearsay and testimonials, that can be a difficult task considering that the active ingredients of most products are hope and hype.

LaTely, a new product called Eyevive has been getting a lot of attention in the magazines and on the news since it has been reported that it effectively addresses the above problems. The manufacturers of the Eyevive product claims that it can "revitalize" the eyes by removing some dark circles, eye bags, puffiness, and fine lines around the eyes. The question is: how well does it work? Let's take a closer look at the formula here.

Fortunately, this is one product that delivers what it promises primarily because of its powerful active ingredients. The manufacturers of Eyevive appear to have done their homework and the claims they make are backed by solid scientific research.

The two most important ingredients of Eyevive are the patented peptides Hyloxyl and Eyeliss which reduce dark circles and puffiness, and restore firmness of the fragile skin around the eyes. Peptides do this by encouraging proper circulation in that area. This is necessary to counteract the fluid build up that occurs naturally when you sleep. As you know, eyelid swelling is a common cause of puffiness and dark circles. When you lie down, gravity causes fluid to accumulate in your lower eyelids. Peptides counteract this effect in addition to making the skin soft and smooth.

"Eyeliss works by decreasing capillary permeability, improving the lymphatic circulation under the eyes, and improving firmness and elasticity. Dark circles under the eyes disappear in four to eight weeks, something patients love," according to Sam Dhatt, an award-winning anti- aging chemist.

Dhatt said Eyeliss can reduce puffiness around the eyes by 67 percent in four to 12 weeks and dark circles by 60 percent over time. He added that it should be in all anti-aging eye products. In another study involving 20 females aged 20 to 40 years old with chronic eye bags, Eyeliss reduced wrinkles in 56 percent of the participants and reduced puffiness and eye bags in 70 percent of the subjects.

"A follow-up survey of the subjects shown that 62 percent of subjects believed the contours of the eyes were smoothed, 52 percent felt a reduction in the bags under the eyes, and 52 percent felt it had a decongestant effect. of the subjects were satisfied that the product moisturized the skin, 71 percent of subjects felt their skin was softer after the trial, and 71 percent found Eyelissto have a soothing effect, "said the Electronic Retailing Self-Regulating Program that recently investigated the claims made for Eyeliss.

The beneficial effects of the peptides found in Eyevive are enhanced by the product's other ingredients most notably Green tea. This ingredient has been used in China for over 5,000 years and has a strong anti-oxidant effect based on preliminary scientific studies. Dr. Andrea Kunin, co-author of "The Derma Doctor Skinstruction Manual", said green tea also has an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces fluid build-up responsible for dark circles and eye bags. These qualities are what make green tea a common ingredient in anti-wrinkle creams according to the It is also what makes Eyevive a great product.

It's wonderful having great skin, especially in the eye area as it's most sensitive to aging. Eyevive is a product that will minimize further damage to the sensitive eye area, to reduce the appearance of existing damage, and to maximize the radiance of the eyes. They say great things come in small packages, and they could not be more right when it comes to Eyevive.


Source by Deanna Barducci

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