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Top Five Traditional Bachelorette Party Games

Top Five Traditional Bachelorette Party Games


Bachelorette parties can be some pretty wild events with strippers, bawdy games and lots of alcohol. Sometimes, though, the bride wishes to indulge in such an event only with her closest friends but wants to have a more traditional party for a larger selection of people. Or, sometimes the bride simply is not comfortable with such a wild time and wants to stick to a more sedate, traditional party. These can be just as fun as the bawdier counterparts but some of the games may need to be adjusted slightly to account for the different audience.

For some traditional bachelorette party ideas, look to the top five:

  1. Dress Design – Choose some teams, having at least two but there can be more if there are a lot of people in attendance. Each team chooses a bride model and the rest are designers. The idea is to create a bridal gown and dress the model in it. The trick, though, is the only material you have to design the gown is toilet paper! When complete have a bridal fashion show and take lots of pictures.
  2. Secrets to Marriage Success – The hostess should hand out index cards or decorative pieces of paper and pens. Each person writes some words of wisdom on the paper on how to have a happy, peaceful and harmonious marriage. The advice can be sincere and heartfelt or even funny. The advice should be read aloud and collected by the hostess where she can compile it into a keepsake album as a gift to the bride.
  3. Treasure Hunt / Scavenger Hunt – The hostess should gather several wedding related items to hide through the house or outside. The guests will break up into teams and each will be given a list of clues. The person has to use the clues to find the items. Whichever team gets all the items fastest wins a prize.
  4. Ugliest picture – This is a fun exercise but it takes a little planning on the part of the hostess. The hostess can add this into the invitations so that each guest knows what to expect. Each person has to find the ugliest picture of the groom they can find. Maybe they have one while he was sleeping or posing in an odd manner or caught unawares by the camera. This game is especially fun for relatives of the groom who may have some great candid shots or embarrassing baby pictures. The bride then has to show off her intended for all to see.
  5. Poem Writing Contest – This can either be pre arranged or worked on at the party. It can be done individually, with partners or with teams. Everyone writes an original poem for the bride. Some who are especially sentimental or romantic or who are great writers may compose some lovely work. Others may come up with funny limericks or laughable ditties. Either way, it's a great way to express emotions about the bride, groom, the couple, the marriage or love in general. The poems can be gathered and bound into a keepsake album for the bride to have as a memento of the occasion.


Source by Kathleen Dougherty

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