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How To Lose Weight Fast In Time For Your Wedding

How To Lose Weight Fast In Time For Your Wedding


You've set the date, you've hired the caterer, band, florist and taken care of all the little details that go along with planning a wedding. You've picked out the dress and have given yourself a full year to get into the shape of your life.
Yeah right. In a perfect world, that would be true, but in many cases, the date is two months away (and a few weeks away) and you're panicking because you're afraid you will not be able to fit into the beautiful dress that makes you weep every time you look at it.
Have no fear! Dropping fat quickly does not have to be tricky. In fact there are some well known principals to fat loss and shedding those pounds quickly that I am about to share with you. Ready? Okay, here's what you do.

  1. Cardio, cardio cardio. "But I hate cardio" you say. Tough! It is the most crucial step in burning that fat off and shrinking your body down. Hopefully you're already doing at least 20 to 30 minutes of cardio. If so, increase it to 45 minutes 6 days a week. Does that sound hard? It's not. Just decrease your level of intensity. What you want is a slow, steady burn. You will be able to increase the level of intensity as your body adapts. If you are not doing any cardio, start with a 20 minute walk 6 days a week. Week 2, add in a few minutes of a slow jog. Week 3, try to add more until you are doing a slow jog the entire 20 to 30 minutes. Then increase it to 45 minutes when you feel your body has adapted.
  2. Eat a very small meal consisting of unprocessed carbohydrates and a lean protein every 3 hours for a total of 5 meals a day. One of the five meals is a "snack" which could be a medium apple, 2 plums, etc. For the other meals, eat a complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, a small baked potato, or small serving of corn, combined with a lean protein such as chicken, ground turkey, tofu or tuna. Want to kick it up a notch? Substitute a large serving of green vegetables for one of the complex carbohydrates choices making it 3 meals of complex carbs and protein, 1 piece of fruit and one serving of green vegetables and protein for a total of 5 mini meals every three hours. Try to make the green vegetable and protein meal the last meal of the day giving your body plenty of time to process the complex carbs earlier in the day.
  3. Drink a minimum of 10 glasses of water a day. Water is an essential component to the fat loss process. If you are even slightly dehydrated, your body can interpret this as semi-starvation and start storing fat. Drinking water throughout the day will make you less hungry, provide more energy and help with all of the vital functions that we need to look our best and BURN THAT FAT!
  4. Strength training. Cardio, diet and water are all essential but strength training is IMPERATIVE otherwise you'll certainly be a smaller flaby version of your formal self. You do not have to go to a gym. Start with sit-ups and pushups at home. Begin doing pushups on the wall the first week, then on your knees and ever work up to at least 3 sets of 8 standard pushups.
  5. Consider hiring an Online Personal Trainer The cost is a fraction of what personal trainers at the gym cost. You can learn proper form and technique, get customized diet plans and a cardio program without ever having to join a gym. An Online Personal Trainer can provide ongoing support and encouragement all the way up to your wedding date! Click here to find out more.
  6. Follow these tips and you are well on your way to looking STUNNING in that dress on your wedding date and well beyond!


Source by Melissa Brey

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