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Planning a Beach Wedding – Do's and Don'ts

Planning a Beach Wedding – Do's and Don'ts


If you have been dreaming about a beautiful beach wedding you are certainly not alone. Each year there are hundreds of couples who decide the beach is the perfect place to have their wedding. With some careful planning, you can create the perfect romantic memories of your big day without many of the hassles that unprepared couples experience. By following these tips for planning a beach wedding, you are sure to really enjoy the whole process, and be relaxed and calm on your special day.

You are going to need to decide what time of day you want to hold the ceremony. You need to gather some information about the beach, which can potentially help this decision. Go visit the beach you are choosing for your wedding and look at the sun, now compare the time of day you want to get married with the location of the sun. You do not want your guests to squint at you in pain trying to see you against the bright sun. Try to have the sun behind the guests if possible, rather than behind you. This will reduce the strain on everyone's eyes, and allow everyone a clear view of the ceremony.

Look at the location and ensure there is plenty of parking. Most beaches have adequate parking, but they do not usually have ways to ensure that parking is reserved for the wedding guests. Look into this ahead of time and make appropriate arrangements as necessary for the best results. You may need to hire a few people to park cars at a nearby location, but knowing these details ahead of time will ensure you have time to arrange these small details.

Select an appropriate dress to ensure that you do not damage it on the sand. Many brides really do not take this into account and select the frilliest dress with the tallest boots that they can find, then stumble and struggle while walking down the isle. If you know you are getting married on the beach, ensure that you make dress and shoe selections that can handle that decision while still looking beautiful. You should never feel as if you are walking through quicksand in the apparel you select, you should still be able to "float" down the isle and look beautiful while doing it.

Try to avoid having your ceremony during the hottest part of the day. This will help everyone, including yourself keep from overheating, or sweating dramatically. Plus with cooler temperatures, the entire event will be much more enjoyable and allow everyone to relax, rather than occupy their minds with using your wedding program as a fan. This may mean that you need to adjust your wedding schedule a bit to adapt to the weather, but adapting to the weather is a small price to pay for the gorgeous natural views that the beach provides.

Copyright Aurora Blue Marketing, LLC, All Rights Reserved


Source by Pamela Hamilton

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