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Why You Should Never Buy Replica Designer Handbags

Why You Should Never Buy Replica Designer Handbags


Due to budget constants, a lot of women go buy replica designer handbags as they simple adore designer stuff even purses, shoes, watches … the list goes on.

In fact, who cares if your Coach handbag is a replica right?

Well, it depends. If anyone told you that your Coach handbag is a replica and you actually bought a real one, would not you ensure that the truth be told instead? You know that you have sent a bomb for the handbag and for someone to think that it is a replica designer handbag would definitely have made you cross for sure.

However, if it is indeed not the real thing, there is no chance that you are going to let the whole world know that it is a fake designer handbag that you are carrying. You may even insure that it is a real one or you bought a used designer handbag.

It is illegal to sell replica designer handbags but is it illegal to buy them? I doubted so but buying it is just not right.

Imagine this. You could be indirectly helping to "steal" money from the actual designers who did the hard work. You could have indirectly assisted terrorism as the money could have been channeled to irresponsible organizations and fund their activities. Or it could be part of a large drug cartel business that you are indirectly contributing to.

The reason why designer handbags such as Coach, Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Fendi and many others are pricey is because most of them are hand-made and produced from top quality materials. A huge chunk of money is then spent on advertising – yes you saw those models on launch day at the runway. Do you think the models are not paid?

When you buy a replica designer handbag, they lose revenue and this does not help them produce more designs in the future or they could release only limited editions with a hefty price tag and to be seen with one you need to live in a posh neighborhood.

It is better to buy a used authentic designer handbag than a replica designer handbag if price is your main concern. You can save up to buy that new one off the rack in the boutique or you could buy from someone who has had enough of her handbag which is only used twice and in immaculate condition.

The advice is never buy replica designer handbags.


Source by Sofia Saliem

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