Breast cancer is the second cause of cancer death among women, second only to lung cancer. Although the estimated number of new cases in 2007 is relatively lower than the previous years, breast cancer advocates have not ceased. They continue to find ways to increase awareness of the disease, raise funds for its research, and help in any way they can to support the advocacy. One way to do all these is through the breast cancer bracelet.
It was Lance Armstrong who popularized the use of bracelets as a means to make a statement. The yellow bracelet that he wore in the Tour de France caused quite a stir and people asked what the wristband was about. As a cancer survivor himself, the words “Live Strong” on the bracelet conveyed a very important message to cancer victims and survivors like him.
Since then, the pink rubber bracelet has become popular with breast cancer fund-raising activities such as breast cancer walks and runs. Words like “Hope” or “Courage and Strength” are often embossed or etched around it.
Different colors have different meanings. Some manufacturers have general awareness bracelets in different colors, each color to signify a specific advocacy, whether medically or politically related. For example, the color red symbolizes AIDS and HIV. Lavender, on the other hand, symbolizes general cancer and epilepsy. For blue, it can mean child abuse or education. Purple can symbolize domestic violence and Alzheimer’s disease. Teal can be a color to symbolize ovarian cancer, sexual assault or substance abuse.
The color pink was used because of its properties. Aside from being of the same color as the breast cancer ribbon, its bright and lively color brings a positive vibe to cancer patients. It gives them hope that breast cancer can be treated and cured. If we wear the bracelet, it will make us feel our love and support. And more importantly, pink is considered a feminine color, a color that is present in any woman’s closet, and this makes the bracelet easy to match and coordinate with a woman’s wardrobe and accessories.
From the pink rubber bracelet evolved many designs and materials for the new breast cancer bracelet. It has now become an interesting piece of jewelry. Now we can find bracelets in gold and silver. Some are made of glass beads, gemstones, pearls and Swarovski crystals. A simple charm bracelet, when added with a silver or pink breast cancer ribbon charm, can be a breast cancer bracelet. Some continue to have messages like “Faith Hope and Love” or “Survivor.” There are even some distributors who make customized bracelets, such as if you want the person’s name etched on it, or if you want to add more charms or your birthstone. This makes the bracelet the perfect gift present or token, perhaps of friendship or love.
For every purchase of these products, a portion of the money goes to cancer research. Companies have raised millions of dollars from the sales of these bracelets, all to help the cancer research foundation. This is an effective way to raise funds and intensify breast cancer awareness, not to mention fun and exciting. And these bracelets can be purchased anywhere. You can search the web, or visit your local department store.
All the efforts to raise funds and increase awareness are not in vain. At present, there is a decline in the number of deaths caused by breast cancer. This is attributed to an increase in awareness, with many breast self-exam campaigns and more money to fund mammogram tests. Thus, more women seek treatment during the early stages of breast cancer. Also, cancer research is doing its share to find and create new medicine as well as modern technology and equipment to fight cancer.
The breast cancer bracelet is more than just a fashion statement. Its message of hope and love for those who have the illness makes it more meaningful and inspirational. Wear the bracelet now. Men and woman, young and old alike, should express their support to this endeavor. After all, the fight against cancer is universal. No one can confidently say that she is 100% immune from breast cancer. It may affect you, or someone you love. So whatever support that you give now will actually benefit everybody else, including you.
Source by Nathalie Fiset