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Have Exactly The Wedding You Want

Have Exactly The Wedding You Want


Have you seen or read "The Secret"?

I love it.

It has such a positive message about envisioning what you want out of life.

Do You Have a Vision for Your Wedding ??

You probably have stacks of wedding magazines earmarked with ideas you thought were cool, files and images taking up space on your hard-drive and recordings of various wedding themed TV programs.

So what really is YOUR vision for the PERFECT wedding ??

I just created my own vision board for Firefly Occasions. And guess what? You're on it! One of my visions is to connect more deeply with all the brides reading my ezine. You're going to see something really special happening in the upcoming weeks just for the brides reading my ezine … but TODAY, I'd like to help you attract EXACTLY the wedding YOU want.

I'm going to show you how to make a Firefly Dream Wedding Board filled with your DESIRES, IDEAS, and FANTASIES!

Creating Your Wedding On Paper:

Go out to an office supply store like Staples and pick up a big piece of foam core board. You'll find it in the craft aisle. It's barely $ 5.00!

Do not just buy one … buy at least two. Once you get going, your vision may be bigger than one board

Hunker down in a comfy spot in your house with a nice glass of wine and start flipping through your magazines, books, and the ideas you've printed off your computer

Get a good pair of scissors, some glue … and if you're like me … you'll absolutely need some GLITTER!

Start cutting out things that make your stomach do flip flops with excitation !!

Paste them onto the board wherever … just start filling it up with pictures of divine dresses, funky bouquets, and lavish reception table settings

Do not forget to add some pictures of you and your honey smiling happily- I'm POSITIVE that one of your BIG visions is being UTTERLY, COMPLETELY, ECSTATIC on YOUR wedding day!

Now, take a step back … IT'S YOUR WEDDING!

Now What?
When you're done your crafting do not just toss your Firefly Dream Wedding Board into the garage behind your sweetheart's hockey equipment. Put it somewhere SPECIAL. Somewhere you will see it each day and be reminded of what your goals are. Keep your visions and goals in sight so it is easier to achieve them.

This is such a LOVELY way to focus on what YOU really want from your wedding day and you know what ???


Because you are going to ATTRACT these things to YOU! The perfect sellers, the most gorgeous dress, the coolest favors. Believe me, this is going to happen for you.

No Excuses!

I can already hear "I'm not creative or crafty", "I can not do this", "I do not have the time" … Every bride wants the perfect day … but your Firefly Dream Wedding Board does not have to be perfect! If you can cut and paste, you can do this !!

I actually sit down with my VIP brides and help them create their Firefly Dream Wedding Board, because I know it's that important. It can make picking colors, themes, and decor that much easier, because it's all there in front of you.

Do not Forget About Me!

I'd like to think that you'll print off and cut out one of my Firefly Occasions' logos to put on your Firefly Dream Wedding Board. Perhaps someday we'll meet. I could end up being your wedding planner or maybe I'll just continue to inspire you through my ezines. But you're on my vision board so do not be surprised if I seem to be everywhere you look!

(Martha's on my vision board too … she better watch out! I have a mean chocolate chip cookie recipe I can not wait to share with her !!)

Ciara's Bridal Advice:

Do not let anyone tell you that you can not have the wedding you want.
CAN NOT be what people WITHOUT IMAGINATION say to knock you down.


And I can not wait to hear all about it !!
(Send me some pictures after it happens … I'd love to see them!)


Source by Ciara Daykin

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