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How to Use Career Planning to Get Your Perfect Job

How to Use Career Planning to Get Your Perfect Job


Many times there is not enough stress put on career planning for young individuals looking to start a career. It is very common for the students to just “go where the money is.” Also common is for the young adults to follow in the footsteps of their parents. They choose what is expected of them instead of what they would like to do.

When doing career planning, it is important to do a lot of self-exploration. You need to find out your skills and interests and how they will carry over into different professions. Career tests are often used as a means of identifying what path to choose in your career planning. Also, there are counselors that can advise you in your planning. These are a very valuable tool that should absolutely be taken advantage of.

Once you find out your strengths and interests, it is a good idea to make a list of potential occupations. The list of career paths obtained from career tests are often lengthy. Scan through this and find the ones that you like best. You should be able to get your list of potential careers down to five to ten choices.

Once you get your list narrowed down, do some in-depth research about the career choices on your list. Have a look at the requirements needed to obtain a job in each particular field. It is important to make special note of the potential earnings that can be obtained in each field, as well as the educational requirements.

Another great tool in choosing a career path is interaction with people that are actually involved in the field that you are interested in. This is the best way to get first-hand information on the career you are considering. They will be able to answer most questions you have involving their job.

Once you are able to explore all of the potential career paths, and narrow it down to one selection, it is time to start planning for a career in that field.

It is a good idea to write down a career plan. This plan should involve all of the education needed to obtain a job in your desired industry. Also, other training, such as internships, are great ways to get the experience and skills necessary to get a job in the particular field. While completing the schooling necessary, if possible, it is great to find part-time jobs that are relevant to the career path you have chosen.

If the career you are choosing does not require college, then it is important to immediately find a job that will get you experience for the position you desire.

If you are able to obtain the position you desire, by all means do it, but if not, find a similar position that would be a helpful addition to your resume. Even if that means doing some volunteer work on the weekends.

Remember, when doing your career planning, the most important person in this process is you. Do not let others talk you out of the career you always dreamed of.


Source by Helene M Malmsio

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