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Income for Wedding Planning

Income for Wedding Planning


Planning a wedding had been a big head for me. It was not just the amount of expenses I had forked out for my wedding, but also how much of my savings had been depleted for this one-time mega wedding project.

If your savings for your wedding is a lot, there is no need to fear. However, if your saving is limited or may not even be enough, then you bought it to do something about it.

In Asian culture, man is the sole bread-winner of the house. Although time has improved, this traditional belief is still valid and holds true in Chinese families especially.

I know right now you may be thinking how you can earn more money for my wedding. Or you can be thinking what can you hold holding a full-time job. Or you can be thinking that let's use up your savings and see what happens next.

I have friends who are like learning S $ 2,500 per hour and I have known those who earn much more. How did they do that?

One of the ways is through stock-picking and securities trading. Trading stocks has been termed as one of the passive income generation means.

The other is Internet Marketing and it has been a buzz ever since last year. Sad to say, many people had the misconception that one can get rich overnight without the need to work hard.

It is never true. I worked 16 hours a day and generating websites like My Wedding Blog to benefit readers. In addition, I also do email consultations.

However, when I first started off, earning money has never crossed my mind. It has been a fulfillment for me to see some couples' relationships have changed for the better after reading my wedding blog. Other couples planning their weddings have emailed me thanking me how much time they have saved and how much wedding-planning pain they have been spared.

Internet Marketing has been more common than you think. The idea is not fresh. I have made friends (brides and grooms) who have their websites and are monetizing them.

Some are selling wedding products while others are selling wedding services.

Some are doing really well as they bring home paychecks of at least US $ 5,000 a month near their primary source of income.

Internet Marketing is another source of passive income for you.

3 others passive income sources are:

1. real estates

2. investment

3. business

Do note that passive does not mean no work involved. Work still has to be put in to put the passive income generation in place.


Source by Jhong Ren

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