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Marriage Celebrant Planning Is Essential

Marriage Celebrant Planning Is Essential


Your wedding ceremony is one of the most important events in your entire life. Like a jig-saw puzzle, there are many parts that all must come together in the right order to complete the picture for all your invited guests.

If you have chosen to have your ceremony in a different location from the reception then other factors come into play that you will need to consider. Traveling time from one venue to the other, the interval of time between the ceremony and the reception, major sports or community events that may create traffic jams, a late reception means guests will be fighting off hunger pangs, rain or storms can cause difficulties for guests if parking is unavailable near the reception venue.

There are good reasons why many couples choose a reception center for their wedding day. Professional reception centers have designated areas specifically designed to conduct a wedding ceremony. High profile reception centers will have three of more settings in which marriage ceremonies can be performed. This makes it easy for couples getting married because it brings everything together in one place. Reception centers take care of venue set-up, so this takes the pressure off the bride and groom for the overall presentation of the wedding venue for their special day. This is all a part of the package offered.

However, some couples have been raised with the traditional idea of ​​being married in a chapel or a church. This is fine but you need to factor-in the travel and other issues involved in planning a separate venue for your reception. Both scenarios work well, but adequate planning is still essential especially for the latter.

If you choose to get married in a church, it is necessary to contact the church administration to make sure that the chapel is available on the date that you have chosen for your wedding.

You may desire to be married in a beautiful chapel or community church only to find out that you have to be a parishioner of that church community in order to have your wedding ceremony in that church. Some city churches will accept an application for a wedding from couples who are not parishioners or members of that particular domination. The fees to hire a church for a wedding may also come as a shock to you. Usually weddings can only be held in a church outside the regular morning service times.

If you have chosen to have your ceremony in a different location from your reception, then it is advisable to have your reception within a short pace of time or alternately much later otherwise your guests will be left with having an inconvenient amount of time to kill.

It is most important to consider your guests. If you have chosen a country location, vineyard or popular tourist locations for your ceremony, it is wise to advise your guests of local cafés, restaurants, hotels etc, where they can go for refreshments in the interim time between the ceremony and the reception. These are courtesies that you should consider offering your guests when planning your wedding.


Source by Robert Wheately

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