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Wedding Favor Gift Ideas For Children Participants

Wedding Favor Gift Ideas For Children Participants


Most brides are particular with the roles of the children for their upcoming weddings. They love to see these little angels getting dressed up marching down the aisles.

In the United States itself, the ring bearers and flower girls are only bound to being under six years of age. However, the children who are above six years old may be counted as ring bearers and flower girls if they wish to.

One of the perfect wedding favor gift ideas for these participants is the candy bars which are nonetheless ornamented attractively. The wedding favor gift ideas that seem very much attractive to them involve candy bars, sweets, and even toys.

When they get to know that these items are at stake for their participations, they are all the more motivated to do their roles. It never hurts to provide some more motivation to these little kids on the day of the wedding.

The ideal ages for ring bearers, train bearers and flower girls are between three up to six years of age. The ages seven up to ten years old have to be assigned with more mature roles such as the tending to the wedding guestbook, carrying of prayer book and candles, and handing out the flowers and programs to the mothers as well as the grandmothers.

But then it is always one's choice to adjust these ages for the roles which they deem most apt for the children participants. Remembering those little kids fancy much toys and sweets, you're already on your way to having a sound idea with regards to the wedding favor gift ideas that you'll give them.

Concerning the wedding favor gift ideas to the adolescent participants is another thing to consider. Unlike the flower girls and ring bearers, the junior groomsmen and bridesmaids are no longer that fancied with sweets and toys.

They have another set of interests and you must adjust to them. What would they do with the wedding favor gift ideas that seem to deviate from their interests? If you want them to appreciate your wedding favor gift idea, try out something that is within the scope of their likes. Simple keepsakes like key chains, pens, pendants, and the likes are closer to their appreciation list.


Source by Tim Lee

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