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What's Your Future Internet Marketing Plan?

What's Your Future Internet Marketing Plan?


What's your future internet marketing plan? Naturally have one, right? I mean, sure, you have a plan, do not you?

Was that a little heavy on the drama? Sorry. But I hopefully got you to think about tomorrow for a second.

Because while the internet is primarily focused on what happens today, this hour and this split second, tomorrow is not a rumor. Tomorrow's going to be here … and you and I both need to have a future internet marketing plan.

MY future plan is being worked on TODAY. So is yours if you have joined me and the 41,000 other authors here at EzineArticles.com That's because the words that we research for and sweat over and finally submit are going to be needed someday in the future.

Once the articles that we write become permanent fixtures in and on the servers at article directories all over the world, they stand ready to be called up if someone should type in keywords into Google asking for information contained in YOUR and MY articles.

That's pretty wild, if you ask me.

Next week, if someone types in "biggest lies about bass fishing" and your article has its keywords assembled and diversified in it that answer the need for that information, the person typing in those keywords will see you article.

Depending on your article and how popular a niche you write about and how competitive the keywords are that you use to writer your article … it could potentially be seen by millions.

And the cost for this future internet marketing plan? $ 0.

Article writing is a force to be deal with. And very, very fine people are flocking to it for very, very good reasons.


Source by Kevin D Browne

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