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Cutting Corners To Save Money On Your Wedding

Cutting Corners To Save Money On Your Wedding


People spend thousands of dollars on weddings every year. If this is in your budget and that is what you want to do, then by all means do so. However many couples do not want to spend a lot of money on the wedding but still do not want it to seem like a cheap affair. There are many ways to cut corners without cutting the overall effect. Flowers are one thing that can be quite expensive however there are ways to avoid spending an arm and a leg on them. If you are being married in a church, one way to make use of flowers that are already there is by getting married around a holiday when the church is already decorated. If you are having an outdoor wedding considering visiting your local garden shop and picking some potted plants such as peace lilies, which are quite beautiful when they are blooming and hang them from shepherd hooks creating a pathway of hanging baskets along with other blooming plants such as impatiens, potted white roses, and any other plant that will fit in with your scheme. Most garden shops have a huge selection and are quite reasonable compared to flower shops. Not only will you save money but you have some beautiful plants to decorate your new home with.

Wedding dresses can be quite an expense and probably will only be worn one time. Handing down wedding gowns to daughters and granddaughters is not as much of a tradition today as it once was. There are shops that rent wedding attire for the entire wedding party. There are sample sales which usually usually happen once a year and you can buy a designer wedding dress at amazingly low prices. Check out places that sell used gowns or if you have someone who is a seamstress, you could buy the material and have your dress made. Just allow plenty of time before the big day to have it done and any alterations that need to be completed before the wedding. The groom can rent a tux instead of purchasing one.

When it comes to wedding invitations they can be really pricey. Consider buying your own blank invitations and print them yourself on your computer. There are many types of blank invitations at office supply stores and they can be printed at home using one of the many different fonts available on your computer.

The entertainment can eat a large part of your budget. Consider hiring a DJ. They are far cheaper than a band and this savings alone can be a huge part of your budget. These are just a few examples of saving money on your wedding. If you think about it, I'm sure you can come up with a few on your own.


Source by Yolanda Nash

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