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Fresh and Alternative Wedding Ideas for Today's Modern Bride

Fresh and Alternative Wedding Ideas for Today's Modern Bride


Oh yea, (or is it Oh No) Time to figure out … How can my wedding be different than the other 3 I've attended this year? What can I do to trump those killer ideas that my friends had? There is to be something, right? This seems to be the bane of every bride's very existence. How to stand out, without being, well, uhh … to far out !?

Well read on, my friend. It's understandable that you would like to have some things at your wedding that make it unique. Sure you could jump on one of those fun dancing fads, but that's just not your style. Your Modern, eloquent, and want the day to be classy with all kinds of fun sprinkled in. Keep reading, because the list you've stumbled upon will answer the questions and generate alternative wedding ideas for YOU, Today's modern bride.

Here we go:
1. This has to be the best WHY DID NOT I THINK OF THAT idea that you will have at your wedding …
Mandatory sneaker wedding. Absolutely, dress is still formal or semi-formal, depending on your arrangements, but the shoes … Sneakers Only. Your guests will love you for it and the dance floor has no reason to scare away sore feet or create the unsatisfied barrage of bare feet.

2. Guest book / Wedding album – This will take having a dedicated attendant, maybe in shifts, but well worth it !! Here's the deal. You have an instax camera, crayons, glue and an open Wedding Album. Bam! At the end of the night, you have one unique guest book / wedding album completed. You have all the guests take a picture of themselves, and place the picture in the album with a crayon written message. Get crazy and even have stickers or ink pads available.

3. Another great alternative to the cycling centerpiece / seat placement cards is to have identifiable table names, with fun little centerpieces that accentuate the table name. A couple ideas for the table names … Activities you enjoy doing together (teachers the guests something about you), places you've visited together or places you PLAN to visit together. Merging established families together? How bout you let the kids tell you their favorite cartoon and each table is named after a child's favorite?

4. And the next WHY DID NOT I THINK OF THAT idea …
Revenge on the tapping of the wine glass to kiss. Sure we all love it, it's cute. But it does seem to happen a few more times than it should. Well how about spicing it up a little? Put all the attaching couples names in a large bowl and draw a name out each time they tap the glass. Then that couple has to come to the stage and kiss, and you follow by imitating the couples kiss. Great fun for all !!


Source by Ryan L Keeton

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