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Get The Wedding Of Your Dreams Even If You Are On A Tight Budget

Get The Wedding Of Your Dreams Even If You Are On A Tight Budget


It's a well-known fact that weddings can be really expensive. If you or your loved one are not swimming in money then you'll be pleased to hear that you can still get the wedding of your dreams. Of course you can always try to borrow money from your parents or future in-laws. I'm sure that lending money can be helpful but instead I will give you some great cheap wedding ideas that you can follow to realize your fantasy wedding.

The first trick you can use to cut down expenses from your upcoming wedding is to do a lot of things by yourself. To start with we recommend that you do not hire a wedding planner. Wedding planners are still a new thing and not really needed. You can ask your best friend or one of your parents to do this. Or you can of course do it yourself. You will need to organize a lot of things such as the church, flowers, musicians, catering, wedding invitations, wedding dress, rings, etc. I realize this does sound like a lot of work but you can easily get 10% off your budget back by doing all of these tasks by yourself.

Secondly you can try to minimize the guest list. By just inviting your closest friends and relatives you'll end up saving tons of money. You can always explain politely that you wish for the wedding to be very intimate so only close friends and family will be invited. This way colleges, friends and neighbors will not come to your wedding and you will save money to use elsewhere, for example on your honeymoon.

Ever considered to plan a double wedding? By planning your wedding on the same day as your best friend you can basically split the costs of the wedding. This way you can have a great time with your best friend finding the perfect theme for both of your weddings while only spending half of the budget money.

Finally you can also decide on not buying a new wedding gown. Maybe you can use your mom's old wedding dress, or maybe you can use the wedding gown of your best friend from her recent marriage. This decision should easily save you a few grand.

Follow these tips and nothing will be able to stop you from having the most special day of your life.


Source by Bram Chauvin

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