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How to Plan an Affordable Vacation

How to Plan an Affordable Vacation


The economy has affected just about every family. Most families have buckled up on their spending, and many have not gone on a vacation for at least a year or longer. If you are one of those families, here are 3 ideas for an affordable vacation.

1. Out of State Relatives
One of the first picks among many families is to visit out of state relatives. Reconnect with family that you haven’t seen in year. Most out of state relatives will be more than happy to open their house for a weekend. This will allow your family to get away for a weekend costing nothing more than gas money and a nice gift for your hosts.

2. Camping
Camping can be a very low cost family vacation. If you do not have a tent, ask a family member or friend to borrow theirs. Just remember to air it out and clean it before returning their tent to them. Most camp sites only ask 10-20 dollars a night, and many offer big cookouts and live music for the campers. This will cost you nothing more than the few nights you have to pay for and the food that you would already have to buy if you were at home.

3. Time Shares
You know the annoying calls you get for Time Shares? Next time, don’t hang up on them. Listen to what they have to say. Most Time Share companies offer free accommodations if you listen to their pitch. Your family will have to give up half of a day, but in return you get a free trip out of town! Time Shares will sometimes even pay for food and drinks, and they may even throw in some type of tickets for local shows. Normally you will have to pay to get to the designated area, but after that just about everything is free.

There are plenty of low cost family vacations your family can go on. The economy might be in a slump, but that doesn’t mean you have to put fun on hold.


Source by Sara Young

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