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Low Cost Weddings – 5 Tips

Low Cost Weddings – 5 Tips


Statistics claim that the average wedding today costs between $ 20,000 and $ 23,000! For those on a budget, we're not talking low-cost weddings here. Finding a cost effective way to celebrate your big day can be elusive. However, low cost weddings are not impossible! Consider these tips.

Tip # 1- Do not demand the best of everything

Ladies, wedding dresses last one hour. Spending $ 1,000 for a dress is outrageous. Keep an eye out for dress sales, and special offers. The guests do not have to know you did not spend thousands. It's your day. You will look beautiful no matter what!

Tip # 2- Start Early

Prior to my own engagement, I was unaware that you could not shop for weddings until after being engaged. Well, that rule is not conducive to low cost weddings. While it is not necessary to announce your wedding early, it is not unreasonable to start looking around. Talk to a friend that knows a florist. Make friends with brides that are thinking of using similar colors, and split the decoration costs. Be creative. Think low cost weddings.

Tip # 3- Borrow talents from family and friends

Many performers charge $ 20,000 wedding prices for a low cost weddings budget. Chances are you know someone who can sing. Ask your uncle to take pictures for you, and tell him you would be glad to accept wedding pictures as your wedding present from him.

Tip # 4- Cut the steak, shrimp, and lobster

The cost of a reception is often at least half the cost of the wedding. Imagine scaling back half of your wedding. Immediately, you have cut your wedding cost by sometimes up to 25% if you manage to cut half your reception costs. Offer beverages, and light refreshments. Stick to a low cost wedding. No one will know the difference.

Tip # 5- Focus on what's really important

What bride would not serve steak, shrimp and lobster, given the option? What bride would not love to wear a custom designed silk dress? These perks may be nice, but they are just that … perks! The only required components of a wedding are a bride, a groom, a pastor, and a witness.

Getting married is not about the wedding, it is about the union of two people. Celebrate the union, and forget the perfect dress, and the finest menu. Those things last for an hour or two. A marriage is meant to last forever.


Source by Rebekah Fraiser

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