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Secrets of a Cheap, Do-It-Yourself Wedding

Secrets of a Cheap, Do-It-Yourself Wedding


Looking at wedding costs can shock even the richest bride, never mind those of us who are not so well off! There is no need to spend $ 25,000 (the American national average) on your wedding. You can have a cheap, do-it-yourself wedding that will impress your guests and create a day that you and your new spouse will never forget.

1. Brainstorm a list of everything you need for your wedding-a dress, ceremony venue, reception venue, flowers, centerpieces, gift bags, and anything else you can think of. Draw a star next to anything you think you can do on your own or with some help.

2. Use your resources! Think about family and friends who are crafty or have a special talent. People are usually very excited to help with a wedding, so do not be afraid to ask for help! If you have a sister who has an amazing singing voice, save some money on a wedding singer. If your best friend scrapbooks everything, consider her help for invitations.

3. Give yourself as much time as you can-this is possibly one of the most important secrets of a cheap, do-it-yourself wedding. The earlier you determine your wedding colors, the more time you have to stockpile resources for doing your own flowers and centerpieces. A good example: Michaels, a popular arts and crafts store, has a 40% off coupon in the newspaper every week. The more time you know your wedding colors, the more times you can use that weekly coupon to save some serious money.

4. Do not overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much-if you have to buy something that you planned on doing yourself, it is not the end of the world. Enjoy the planning process, you only get to do it once! Even doing just a few parts of the wedding yourself will save you lots of money.


Source by Kate Furst

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