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Slovenia on a Budget

Slovenia on a Budget


The Central European nation of Slovenia offers tourists a wide variety of landscapes in a small space: Alpine in the northwest, Mediterranean in the southwest, Pannonian in the northeast and Dinaric in the southeast. If you are looking for colorful and relaxing vacations Slovenia is the perfect place.

Of all the former Yugoslav republics, Slovenia is the most stable and well-developed. Declaring independence in 1991, Slovenia joined the European Union just thirteen years later in 2004, a testament to its rapid economic and social progress.

Given its unique location in between Italy, Hungary, and Croatia. the tiny nation of Slovenia is a place where cultures have merged over the course of history. For anyone backpacking through Europe or other looking to see Slovenia on a budget, its capital of Ljubljana is especially accessible, inexpensive, and safe.

The nation's capital, Ljubljana, proudly shows its Baroque and Art Nouveau influence, and the work of native born architect Joze Plečnik. Slovenia's capital, a small city with only 300,000 residents, is quite walkable. The city center is rather compact, and many tourist sites are located near one another, just off the main square (Presernov Trg).

Transportation in Ljubljana

Because Ljubljana is so charming, strolling around neighborhoods is the best way to explore and stay within your budget. You can also rent a bike from a city-operated stand in Presernov Trg for a nominal deposit and fee.

Of course, you'll always want more mobility than your feet can provide, so you'll probably need to use the city buses. Anticipating this need, the city tourism office created the Ljubljana card which visitors can buy for 13 EUR at the airport, train station, and countlehss other locations. In addition to offering discounted admission at many tourist spots, the card is good for three days of unlimited bus fares and discounted tax rates. By walking, biking, and bussing it, you'll be able to get around Ljubljana lickety-split and keep your budget slim. Use taxis only late at night, after buses are no longer available.

Accommodations in Ljubljana

Hostels are plentiful in Slovenia, so the budget traveler should almost certainly choose this kind of cheap accommodation. For a highly rated hostel, try the Fluxus, with each bed running about 25 EUR. Located in the city center at Tomsiceva ul. 4, Fluxus is within walking distance from nearly everything, including bars and many major tourist sites.

Also close to the city center is Alibi Rooms Hostel at Kolarjeva 30. Brightly painted, notably clean, and even less expensive than Fluxus, Alibi offers beds for under 15 EUR a night. This would be my personal recommendation for a modest but comfortable stay.

If you're willing to go even a little more austere, you can try the Bit Center Hotel at Litijska 57, which has more conventional hotel rooms but also hostel-style dorm beds, the latter as cheap as 12 EUR.

Should you need a little more privacy than just a regular bunk bed setup with eight people in a room, many Ljubljana hostels offer double or triple occupancy rooms for about 25 EUR or 30 EUR per person. Each establishment has a slightly different setup, so it's best to investigate in advance. You can find more hostels and hotels in Ljubljana ( [http://www.sloveniaholidays.com/ponudba/hotel/namestitve/ljubljana] ) on one of the Slovenian tourist ( http://www.sloveniaholidays.com ) sites.


Source by Bostjan Hozjan

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