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Stepfather of the Bride Wedding Speech

Stepfather of the Bride Wedding Speech


When it comes to a wedding, one of the most important parts are speeches, which are usually said by the groom, the bride, their relatives and their close friends, who know them and who have spent moments in their company. Never forget that both the groom and the bride want a special wedding, which also represents the most significant event in their whole life and which is meant to join their destinies together forever.

In order to obtain a proper speech, it is very important to take care about some essential details and aspects of it. Remember that, as the stepfather of the bride, you played a main role in her life and you are one of the people who determined her to become a special person. Assume your role and express the deepest feelings you have for her, but also for the man she has chosen and show them respect. You will see that, if you take into account some factors, your speech will become even greater and more appreciated by your stepdaughter.

In the first place, the introduction is the most important part of a speech. It is the presentation of your feelings and thoughts about the bride and the groom and it should be well-formulated, in order to impress the people around you. “My beloved daughter and my dear son” could be the introduction you need for your speech. Do not forget to use appropriate words, which can reflect your true feelings expressed in a correct manner.

The second thing you must take into account is the content of the speech. Usually, when it comes to stepfather of the bride wedding speech, it should mainly reflect the influence you had over your stepdaughter and her improvements and evolution through the years. Talk about the most significant moments (her first good grade, her first exam, the first time she called you “daddy”) and try to evoke the moments you spent near her and in the company of your future son. It is a proper way to create a relaxing atmosphere that will captivate the guests. Use natural words in order to obtain the effect you want. Show everyone your pride for your stepdaughter and the respect for the man she loves.

The end of the speech is also extremely important, because it decides the final impression you will make in front of the people. It is recommended to end with a phrase that can express your best wishes for the couple, along with your support. “You will always have my support, my dears” is a very nice manner to show your love and feelings for both of them. Do not try to use sophisticated words or to wish them a lot of things. Keep your final phrase simple and direct.

When your speech is finished, drink a glass of champagne in honor of the couple and do not forget to hug every of them and eventually kiss their cheeks as a love gesture. You will be surprised about the result you will obtain.


Source by William M Mason

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