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Wedding Theme Ideas – Heart-N-Roses Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Theme Ideas – Heart-N-Roses Wedding Ceremony


This month's themed wedding ceremony is the Heart-n-Roses wedding ceremony. What makes the heart-n-roses wedding ceremony theme cherished is that the bride and groom create the red rose petal heart in the sand uniting their love through the union of the completion of the heart!


A special spot on the beach is chosen in which to do the ceremony. Prior to the wedding ceremony, a heart is drawn in the sand by the wedding officiant. The area is marked off to ensure the area remains unscathed. You may want to mark off the area with poles and other decorations.

The ceremony starts with the opening language thanking the guests for gathering today. Both the bride and groom enter the heart drawn in the sand and join together in unity, becoming one.

First may be the exchange of rings ceremony and then the heart-n-roses ceremony begins something to the effect of:

The red rose has always been a symbol of enduring love, and I now ask that you seal your love for one another with rose petals in your heart to seal your everlasting love for one another.

[Groom states to Bride], I lay these red rose petals as a symbol of my love, my devotion, and my everlasting promise to you.

[Bride states to Groom] I lay these red rose petals as a symbol of my love, my devotion, and my everlasting promise to you.

If there are children that will be joining and being a part of the new family, you may have the children join in too by entering the heart at this time. While the bride and groom begin laying their petals [and children, if applicable] on their respective side and join as one to complete the heart, the officiate states:

By creating your heart of red roses, you are pledging your love to each other, you are sealing your love, your devotion, and your everlasting promise to each other, and you are offering your commitment to hold sacred the vows that you share today.

May the heart and red rose petals always be a symbol of your love for each other, and may you cherish each day together, and may you give each to the other, your hand, your heart, and your love.

The officiate lets the groom know that he may kiss the bride and congratulates Mr. and Mrs. [last name].


Since the bride and groom each fill half of the heart together and join together as one, there needs to be a sufficient amount of petals to join together. As a result, if you're using real rose petals, you'll want each sachet to contain 3 dozen or more. If there are children that will be participating in the wedding ceremony, you may want to add another dozen to each of their sachets.

There are two options for the pets:

1) Prior to the ceremony fill two large saches with red rose petals from real roses; or 2) purchase silk red rose petals for about $ 6.99 – $ 9.99 for 270-300 ct. at a craft store in your area.

Whether you choose real or silk petals, remember to enjoy the moment. You may even choose the pets in other colors. One recent wedding ceremony the colors were light purple, white, and light pink. It is really up to you!


Source by Susan M Signer

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