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History Of Bridal Shower Party Celebrations

History Of Bridal Shower Party Celebrations


Bridal Shower Party is a fun time where the bride's friends give her gifts before her wedding. The custom of bridal shower started from United States and is still practiced mostly in US and Canada. The Bridal Shower Party is arranged by bridesmaid, who takes care of the entire event. The tradition of bridal shower started in the times when dowry was practiced as a custom. This custom was brought into practice to help the women who were poor and did not have the money to raise dowry or in situations when the father of the bride was not approving of the marriage.

In Bridal Shower Party the woman's friends get together and bring gifts for the bride, which will serve as a recompense for the dowry. It is an interesting fact that bridal showers started in US in the year 1890 and were started as a tradition among the upper middle classes. Along with time, this event had spread to almost all parts of America. Another interesting fact is that the bridal shower term first originated from Grand Rapids, Michigan. It has been since that time that the custom spread and took on different forms along with time, with the addition of different ideas, but the basic theme remained the same.

In the Bridal Shower Party, the friends of the bride to be get together and share a lot of different things related to their marriages and how it had been through this time so that the bride to be can define for herself as to what would be best for her. The Bridal Shower in the early times was celebrated as a spontaneous party but then there were a lot of ideas that were incorporated into it such decorations, themes, food, games and a lot of other aspects to make the bridal shower party a success.


Source by Gail Leino

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