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Planning A Wedding – Tips On How To Choose The Right Wedding Ceremony

Planning A Wedding – Tips On How To Choose The Right Wedding Ceremony


A wedding between two people despite it can be religious, is also a legal contract that both partners agree too; the ceremony has seen a large change in attitude over the last decade. Whatever the background and history to marriage, it is still a legal union between two people; until the marriage certificate is signed by the bride, groom and witnesses, the ceremony is not finalized. The man getting married is called the groom or bridegroom to give him his full title and the woman the bride; once they are married they are known as the wife and husband.

Church Ceremonies

As soon as you look outside of your own race, religious and social group, the wedding tradition can become very complex. Performed by a Christian priest or vicar, the Church ceremony continues to be top of the list as a venue. These ceremonies are usually referred to as white weddings and are considered formal or semi-formal in the United Kingdom, Ireland and United States, as well as some other Commonwealth countries.

Double Weddings

Although unusual a double marriage is a where two couples are married at the same time; this often happens where a person has a brother or sister that decides to tie the knot at the same time and it is not unheard of for two brothers to marry two sisters this way.

Weddings in a Foreign Country

When some couples decide to get married in another country, they are known as destination weddings; Whether this happens for an intimate beach ceremony in the Caribbean, or extravagant nuptials in Las Vegas, it will qualify as a destination wedding.

Activity weekend Weddings

A weekend wedding is where couples and their guests celebrate over the course of a weekend. Those with a stressed element can also be very successful and the activity can be either built into the day or over the course of a weekend. Lodging is usually at the same facility and couples often host a Sunday brunch for the weekend's finale.

Online Marriages

Although it has not really been heard on yet, a few bold and different people have decided to tie the knot online but it may be sometime before this style of wedding really becomes more popular; There are already a number of companies based online can help you find out more information about his unusual type of ceremony. Marriages that are broadcast live online are also referred to as online weddings.

Town Hall Services Selected and appointed officials can carry out a marriage ceremony which is usually called a civil wedding. Although it may sound clinical, civil ceremonies usually make no reference to God. Many civil ceremonies take place in local town or city halls or courthouses in judge's chambers.

If you live in a Christian country then you will recognize many of these wedding traditions but there are many more types of ceremony available around the world.


Source by Pius Ephenus

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