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Your Wedding Ceremony – Build a Garden of Blessings to Decorate Your Perfect Wedding

Your Wedding Ceremony – Build a Garden of Blessings to Decorate Your Perfect Wedding


This is not for everyone, but many amongst you are gardeners. Some of you are even excellent gardeners. So why not use that talent and the sweet relaxation it brings, to grow flowers that will grace your wedding? You might want to grow the flowers you'll carry, but if that seems a bit ambitious, why not plant portable containers (and by portable I mean portable) with flowers which means will grace and support your marriage. If you want them to be all blooming, you're going to have to do a lot of research, but if you want them simply to be sprouting and green, growing at their own rates, plant them at the same time. After all, you will need to call upon different blessings at different times in your marriage.

  1. Together with your partner, consider which characteristics and blessings you would like to invoke for your marriage. Which ones do you have in good measure, and which ones will you have to find role models for?
  2. Write wedding vows that include those characteristics and make your promises for a life-long marriage.
  3. Explain the characteristics and their corresponding flowers in your program, so that your community is on board.
  4. Plant a portable garden, filled with the marriage blessing flowers to stand at the front of your wedding ceremony and to decorate the reception.
  5. Take it back home with you when you return for your porch or patio or deck or sunroom as reminders of the qualities you want in your marriage.
  6. Remember, if you're going on your honeymoon directly from the reception, arrange with a good friend to get them home and keep them watered. It will not be the best metaphor if you come home from your glorious honeymoon to a bunch of dead plants!
  7. As you go through life, do not forget to transplant. Occidentally, your marriage will need to be re-examined so that you can continue to thrive.


Source by Ann Keeler Evans

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