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Battle of the Brands: The Makeup Experiment

Battle of the Brands: The Makeup Experiment


Months ago, I walked into a local Sephora with a mission. I was planning to make the big jump from Drugstore makeup to high end makeup. The week before I viewed dozens of Makeup tutorials and reviews for research before I made the investment. As I watched these videos I noticed one major thing, No one was using one Single brand! One brand for lipstick, one brand for concealer, another for eyeshadows and eyeliner etc. and nothing was uniform except a great end result. Quickly it made me question: What is the best all-around brand of makeup? I walked around Sephora looking at the plethora of options for just a few minutes before a nice man offered me help. I asked him my question adding that I needed everything brand new from A-Z and was often active under hot lights and subject to pictures and videos. I was expecting him to point me to one station in the store and show me everything that brand had to offer. To my surprise, he wrote me a list of six products from four different brands and of course effectively explained what each would do; almost identical to the tutorials I had watched the days before. As a natural skeptic, frugal spender and research minded person, I decided that I needed a second opinion.

Last week, it was time to finish my personal experiment. I headed into Ulta Beauty armed with the same question and when a young woman offered help, I told her the very same details as I had to the man at Sephora. By this time I was already sure it wouldn’t be just one brand of products so I braced myself for my question to be answered. Still I was surprised, not by the products she showed me, but by the amount of information she shared! Not only did she show me every kind of product I would need, she tested the products on my skin for my exact shades, offered to teach me how to use them and informed me of services to fix things I was insecure about: No makeup needed!

After that experience I finally understood why it’s best to mix brands; Personalization. The reason we feel obligated or loyal to certain brands is purely out of mental exhaustion; there’s simply too many options! Everyone’s face and skin is different so just because a product ‘works’ doesn’t mean it’s the best option for you. Like ready to wear vs. tailored clothing, all we need is an expert to measure out what we need and don’t need, it’s as simple as that! So if you’re looking for a super brand of makeup you will always be unsatisfied, but there are some Super experts out there ready to arm you with everything you need, you just have to ask. You can thank us later.


Source by Lex Perry

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