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Milky Way Hair Weave Review

Milky Way Hair Weave Review


One of the higher quality weaves you can find is made by Milky Way Hair. Shake N Go offers over fifteen different styles of weaves with this line of hair extensions. These are not lower quality synthetic hair or blends, but one hundred percent human hair. Here we will take a closer look at what the most popular types of weaves offered by Milky Way Hair. Whether you are looking for more volume or length there is probably going to be a style that meets your needs.

Milky Way Hair weaves are made from only the highest quality young healthy human hair available. Every strand of hair is identified by hand and then aligned so the cuticles all match each other in the same direction. Only weave extensions that have the cuticle still attached are the finest quality. Because the cuticles are all aligned uni directionally, this prevents the need for using harsh chemical treatments. Since no chemical maintenance is needed the hair does not become brittle and break off. This means your Milky Way Hair weave will last you months, not just weeks like with other cheaper brands. No additional treatments are needed to maintain thicker, fuller, and stronger hair. You will find that with these weave extensions they are always smooth, bouncy, easy to curl, and long lasting.

Caring for your Milky Way Hair extensions could not be any easier. Make sure you wash your hair and dry it completely before adding in the weave. If you like, it makes it even easier if you set your hair in sparse rows. When the weave is in all you need to do to wash it is use gently running water and make sure not to rub it too hard. Go ahead and hand dry with a towel, and when combing start with the bottom of the hair first and work your way up to the root. This eliminates tangles and balls from forming, and will make your weave easier to manage. If you want a curly and wet look then simply apply some light gel or mouse. Using an oil sheen is not recommended with a Milky Way Weave as the oil may cause the weave to slip and kink up. If and when you are ready to remove your weave please always use the consultation of a beauty professional.

Milky Way Hair offers over fifty total weaves, but here we are going to review the three most popular weaves that they sell.

The French Twist weave comes on four pieces that are eight inches long for each strand. This style is a beautiful auburn brown color that just touches the shoulders. This a fresh and luscious look with wavy bouncy looking curls that are not tight looking at all. These wavy curls provide excellent volume without being puffy. No doubt that this style is made for the woman of sophistication.

Next we have the ever popular Finger Roll weave by Milky Way hair. This weave extends beyond the shoulders and is straighter and not as tight as the French Twist. It comes in a four pack of sixteen inch strands, long enough to get a Jennifer Lopez look without all the hassle. Darker brown roots with copper bronze flowing locks is what you will get with this weave. A perfect look for every day, or dress it up if you wish for an evening out.

Finally there is the Water Deep weave, which offers more of a fuller curl and bouncy look. This weave looks outstanding with a middle part, and the deep brown to black looking weave flowing off the sides. The curls here are very tight and spongy looking, and provide excellent volume. With the Water Deep weave you get a younger and more Afro look.


Source by Elijiah Rampart

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