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Plain Sashes Carrying Ahead Traditions and Feeling of Accomplishment

Plain Sashes Carrying Ahead Traditions and Feeling of Accomplishment


In the UK and the USA, the sash is rather meant for ceremonial purposes. Sashes can be seen at use in the higher education graduation day ceremonies, in beauty contests and processes and also corporates bodies to acknowledge lofty achievements. The plain sashes sometimes have the most aristocratic appearance and value. In Canada, sashes woven by hands were consequential to traditional belts, which were in vogue around the eighteenth century. Since it had multiple usages, this sash was used in the fur trade and hence was introduced in the north western America. The sash now got tightly woven while its average size increased. Some of the sashes could be more than four meters long. Multiple colored threads used to be used in making such sashes. Again, in Ireland and especially in the Northern Ireland, a sash is an emblem of Orange Order. The sashes of Orange Order were initially of the traditional "from the shoulder to the hip" type as used to be worn by British Army.

Sashes generally are the part of traditional military attire. Nearly all the European Royal legions and families wear majestic sashes along with their royal regalia. On many occasions, particularly plain sashes are bestowed on an individual when high ranking awards are given away to them. Again, in some African and South American countries, a sash is worn by the country's president on special occasions, which is considered as an emblem of high authority. So sashes are enigmatic and majestic, right?

The most generic use of a sash can be seen in schools, colleges and universities. Among teenagers, one can often find a school class captain wearing a bright colored sash on a special occasion. Again, we all know about the glamor of the sashes which the young and enthusiastic college graduates put on at the coveted day of convocation. A plain sash of course adds meaning to their achievements. Again, we see our youngsters, particularly the girls, taking part in the beauty contests. The prizes and awards that they receive in such contests can be made more discernable and meaningful by associating glamorous and bright plain sashes with them. Needless to say that sashes can be further used in several occasions at local, club or county levels to amply respect and reward the achievers around us. So, organizations such as educational institutions, clubs, event management companies and private sector firms can make use of sashes on various occasions to adore and adorn their achievers at various levels. Use of these sashes as a symbol of reward and recognition would add further meaning and gravity to the purpose or the occasion concerned.

One can find great plain sashes in the market. Typically, seventy two inches and sixty inches sashes can be used to commemorate a Graduation Day. These ate ideal for the young graduates from High Schools. One can choose from green, blue, white, light Gray, red and many other available colors. Being a recognition product, it can be made of bridal satin or other similar quality fabric content. The price range can be around £ 10 per piece for general purposes.


Source by Paul Sung

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