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3 Old Fashioned Marriage Discipline Tips to Help Your Marriage!

3 Old Fashioned Marriage Discipline Tips to Help Your Marriage!


Old fashioned marriage discipline is different then it is today. In the old days couples would deal with the problems a lot different than they would today. So if your looking for a way to correct your marriage problems with old fashioned techniques then this article may be of help to you.

Lets go over 3 tips that you can use to do so below:

1. In the old days the woman would obey the man no matter what. The man was the strongest one in the relationship and that was a given. Woman would simply obey the male no matter what he said, now things have changed and this has created a few problems. Woman are treated as equals now and this can create some problems.

2. Woman now talks to their husbands in a different manner. They are more demanding and are more in charge. In the old days the woman would let the man handle matters and would stay out of business related issues.

3. The male had a lot more power back then, so this lead to decision making being done by the male of the family. Once again woman stayed out of the way and this preverted any problems. If a woman got in the way the male would put her in her place or simply leave.

OK so I know this just goes over woman being less powerful back then right? So how does this actually help you? Well if your a female you can learn from this because it gives you a glimpse inside of the males mind. Nothing has really changed since then as far as the thought process goes for both genders.

The male wants to be in charge while the female wants a male who can lead the way. So if your a female you need to realize this and stop trying to dominate your husband. If your a male you need to realize that things have changed and females are now raised as equals, so let her come up with her own ideas.

I hope this information on old married marriage discipline has helped you! Good luck!


Source by John J Thompson

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