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Alternative Thinning Hair Treatment Options to Stimulate Natural Hair Regrowth

Alternative Thinning Hair Treatment Options to Stimulate Natural Hair Regrowth


You have probably noticed that there is no shortage of hair loss products on the market which claim to grow long and lustrous hair. While there is no miracle cure for hair loss, this condition can be treated enough to reduce the number of strands that are lost as well as prevent the problem from becoming worse.

Recognizing Abnormal Hair Loss
It is considered normal to lose around 50-100 strands daily. Anyone who is shedding much more than that will likely have large clumps of hair left in the comb after styling. Another sign of abnormal hair loss can often be seen after shampooing when an excess amount of strands go down the drain.

Hair Growth Vitamins
Vitamin A is a thinning hair treatment which stimulates natural hair regrowth by keeping the scalp healthy and free from dandruff. It also regulates the scalp's production of sebum, which is a natural oil the scalp produces to help the strands grow.

Vitamin B helps the cells of the strands maintain their structure. It also gives the hair a healthy shine and color. The body needs vitamin B in order to produce protein which the strands need in order to grow. Vitamin B is found in foods such as eggs, liver, wheat germ, and brewer's yeast.

Vitamins C and E also help stimulate natural hair regrowth.

Herbal Thinning Hair Treatment
Green tea is a thinning hair treatment which helps people who have female or male pattern baldness. It contains compounds which prevent the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase from converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT attacks the follicles causing the strands to fall out in large numbers. Green tea works best as a hair loss treatment when it is applied directly to the scalp.


Source by Jenna Gray

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