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Beach Themed Wedding Favors

Beach Themed Wedding Favors


Themed weddings are becoming really, really popular because it makes your wedding really memorable for each and every single one of your guests. With a themed wedding, everyone will feel unified because your theme, color scheme, decorations, food, and favors will all be coordinated. You should try making your theme something that will show off your personality but also serve a functional purpose at your reception. There are a lot of different themes that you can choose from ranging from things like traditional, fantasy, princess, gothic, Victorian, Elizabethan, medieval to other things like seasonal, beach, or heritage themed weddings. There are just so many different options for you and each different option will show something about your personality and the way you look at your wedding reception and your new life with your spouse.

From the wide range of wedding themes, beach themes are becoming really popular because they show a kind of whimsical and playful nature about yourself that you really want to get across to everyone there so that they will all be comfortable and having a really great time. Plus, everyone always dreams of having the perfect, beautiful wedding on a beach somewhere. So, if you have always loved the beach and want to bring the spirit of the ocean to your party then a great way to do that is with your wedding favors. This is the best way to get your theme across to your guests because they will each take home a wedding favor with them and that will be a physical representation of your party and all of the memories they made there with the other people that you invited including your friends, family, and loved ones. Here are a couple of different wedding favors that you can find online and incorporate into your beach theme.

Chair Design Place Card Holder and Photo Frame:

This is designed in the shape of a beach chair and even has some sand and accessories around the chair like some pails, shovels, and flip flops. This is a great representation of a day out at the ocean just having fun and soaking up the sun. The great thing about these is that they serve a purpose as place card holders at your wedding and then when your guests take them home they can use them as picture frames. You can even make these really personal by adding in your own messages or putting in pictures for your guests to take home. Make sure you save a couple of these great items for yourself to display in your new home or apartment.

Flip Flop Floating Candles:

These are really colorful and will add a lot to your wedding décor. You can display these in a lot of different ways. They are especially meant to be floating candles that you can place into a bowl of water to make the light of the candle flame get caught and thrown around by the glass and the water in the bowl. You can add confetti or anything else that you think might spice these up a little bit.


Source by Joe Palladino

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