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Best Man Speeches 101 – Tips on Writing Short Best Man Speeches

Best Man Speeches 101 – Tips on Writing Short Best Man Speeches


Your moment for the wedding has arrived. Now all eyes are on you. Most people relly on the short best man speaks as a peek in the relationship of the newly wedded couple. Your aim is to make people cry and laugh at the same time. The short best man speaks should be personal. Here is a list on making the best man statements a hit:

1) Keep it short

Short best man speeches should not take a long a time. By keeping it short, you're not stealing the light away from the couple. Avoid going through every detail in the lives of the couple. Highlight only the events that will consistently illustrate what you are feeling. There is no need to relay the autobiography of the couple's lives.

2) Add humor

Catch the attention of your audience by injecting humor to your short best man speaks. Weddings are happy events. Make sure you intend to make people laugh more than cry. A good sign of effective short best man speaks is the sound of chuckles in the air. Keep the mood light by throwing little jokes.

3) Keep it personal

Your responsibility as the best man roots from the fact that you have witnessed the positive effects of couple's presence in each other's lives. You can try to paint a picture of how the groom's life went before meeting his bride. State how it made the groom's life changed for the better. Focus on the changes in the behavior of the groom. Saying that he has become happier is different from saying that he laughs more often. People will have a clearer picture on the effects rather than vague ideas.

4) Do your research

Especially if it's a mystery wedding and you do not know much about the bride, better be sure you know what you are talking about. Also in acknowledging who paid for the wedding, ask the groom who to thank for.

5) Plan ahead of time

Prepare for your speech. Do not make the mistake of winging it. All eyes will be on you. They will be expecting a good speech from you. By planning you'll be able to organize your thoughts. It should not be an impromptu. A planned and well delivered speech shows respect to the couple. Most wedding are recorded, you do not want people sending it as an entry for funniest videos.

6) Wish them well

Do not try to put out statistics on how many marriages end in divorce. Regardless of your opinion on interviews, do not let it show in your speech. Leave your opinions on marriage to yourself. Not all marriages suffer the same fate. The focus of your speech should be the married couple. It is not an opportunity to lash out your feelings. Extend your well wishes and encouragement to the couple. You can learn from other couples who have been together for a long time. Ask them the reason why they last and offer it to the newly wed. Always end your speech on a positive note.


Source by Blake Stearnwall

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