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Best Man Wedding Poems

Best Man Wedding Poems


So, the guy you thought was your best friend has well and truly landed you in it! He's asked you to be Best Man at his wedding. Believe me, I know the feeling. I've done it three times. Of course it's a great honor, and let's be honest, you would not have been very happy if he asked asked someone else, but with any great honor comes great responsibility. Not only have you gotten to organize the Bachelor Party / Stag Night / Bucks Party, but more terrifying than that … you've got to make the Best Man Speech!

Now, some guys are just great at public speaking, and great at telling jokes. Put the two together, and you've got the makings of a really good Best Man Speech. But what's that I hear you say? You're no good at either of those things? That's why you're reading this? Right, you do not need me to tell you that you're in a certain amount of trouble! But let me try to help you out here.

I'm only guessing, but I suspect that the last thing you might have imagined would come to your aid is poetry. Not really a "guy" thing, is it? When was the last time you even read a poem, let alone wrote one? A long, long time ago, way back in the 8th grade or somewhere. But let me tell you a secret. The thing about standing up and reciting a poem that you wrote yourself is that if you can make it rhyme, people will be so impressed with your literary skills that they'll definitely notice the content. And if you can make it funny, too, then you've hit a home run.

Oh, and do not forget, girls just love a guy who writes poetry …

By now you're probably thinking, "Yeah, right, Zander. I'll just turn into William Wordsworth overnight. Come morning I'll be wandering as lonely as the next cloud." Do not worry, it does not have to be that hard. If I were you, I'd keep it simple and try to write a couple of Limerick versa. That's exactly what I did for the last two Best Man Speeches I did (after the first one was a bit of a disaster …) I got the idea from an old friend of mine, and that was as skeptical then as you probably are right now, I managed to churn out a few verses. My wife, in true wife style, kept my notes as a keepsake, and what's more managed to find them, so here are a couple of the versa I actually used when I was Best Man for my friend Dave and his wife Jenny:

It's quite hard being Best Man for Dave,

I'm beginning to feel like his slave,

There are jobs large and small,

But the hardest of all,

Was to finally persuade him to shave !,

Now girls in the world there are many,

But none quite as lovely as Jenny,

I said, "Dave are you sure,

There are none you like more? "

He said "Right now I can not think of any!"

Maybe that last verse was not quite as nice to the bride as you're supposed to be (although it started well!), But with a limerick you can get away with a bit more because it's generally a humorous form of poetry anyway. Go on, give it a go. You know you want to!


Source by Zander Boon

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