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Common Hairdressing Mistakes and How to Avoid These

Common Hairdressing Mistakes and How to Avoid These


'To err is human' and this holds true for a hairdresser too. There are so many mistakes that we knowingly and unknowingly make in the salon but the important thing is to learn from these failures. Let us take a look at some of the common hairdressing errors and mistakes and how to avoid these from affecting our business.

A golden rule to build up a good practice is to have a consistent work schedule. Have a fixed timing for your salon and make this known to your clients; you can of course bend the rules in certain situations to ensure client satisfaction but on a general basis, stick to a confirmed schedule. Never cross off your appointment book giving an impression of being busy or not available to your customers. This can send out wrong signals and destroy your business in the process.

Getting customer feedback from every single person is very important. This is probably the only way by which you will get to know what exactly the client thinks of your salon and the services offered. Unless you make a grave mistake, most customers are related to offer their opinion but will do so on a piece of paper. So make sure that you place a pile of feedback forms on your reception desk and encourage the customer to fill these in while leaving. Take the criticism into consideration and turn this into an opportunity to rectify the mistakes and improve your business.

If you want to be treated like a professional, then it is important that you dress and behave like one. Most hairdressers make the mistake of dressing in an unprofessional manner which sends out the wrong impression. Instead dress warmly and professionally and make sure that your own hair is styled well and in the appropriate manner. Good communication skills are mandatory in the hairdressing profession and you also tend to make friends here especially with regular clients. But remember to draw a firm line between work and friendship; Be interactive with your clients but make sure that you do not get involved or involve them in personal relationships which may end up harming your reputation.

Understand the importance of customer service and how it can make or break your business. Ensure that your clients receive the proper attention and make sure that feel good and pampered. Employ a good receptionist who can greatly help you making the customers feel warm and comfortable before the service begins. A neat and warm ambience, friendly staff and a good service hold the key to gaining the client's confidence. Try to avoid using your cell phone when attending to a customer; if you must, then make sure that you inform the customer saying you will be back soon. Lavish all the attention on the client instead of taking to other co-workers or doing other things when the customers are present in the salon.

Taking care of these mistakes will ensure that your hairdressing business grows from strength to strength along with your reputation as a hair stylist.


Source by Brian Goodwin

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