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Eating For Your Hair – Preventing Hair Loss Naturally

Eating For Your Hair – Preventing Hair Loss Naturally


Male pattern baldness is a problem that affects a large number of the male population in today’s world. Some men don’t really mind going bald, while others go through depression, anxiety and low self esteem because of their hair loss.

Hair can be a very important part of a man’s identity, and the loss of it is not pleasant. Men who are starting to go bald deal with it in a number of ways. Some people grow a “comb over,” which is growing the hair on one side of your head very long, and combing it all the way over to the other side to cover the baldness. This is not recommended, as it is very easy to recognize what the man is doing, and many people will poke fun at the person with a comb over.

Other balding men decide to go all the way and shave their head completely. This is better than the comb over, but it can be a hassle to have to keep shaving. The last available option is to get hair transplants. This is an expensive procedure however, and it is something to think over seriously before committing.

The best way to prevent hair loss is actually to eat! That’s right; there are certain foods that will help your hair to grow and prevent further hair loss. This is the best method to use because it is cheaper, takes less time, and it is the least embarrassing, and the most fun. After all, what man doesn’t like to eat?

Here is a detailed list of the foods and herbs that will help to prevent further hair loss and hopefully grow back that head of hair that you are missing:

o Evening Primrose and flaxseed oil: These oils are relatively tasteless, and mixing it in with your food three times a day will strengthen your hair follicles and result in better hair growth.

o Increase your Zinc intake: This mineral actively boosts thyroid function, and hair loss is a result of an inactive thyroid. Incorporating more zinc into your diet will help hair growth.

o Boost your Biotin intake: Taking Biotin and Vitamin B-50 supplements reduces the oiliness and flakiness of the scalp and makes the scalp healthier. A healthier scalp produces greater amounts of healthy and strong hair.

o Reduce your salt and fat intake: The typical North American diet consists of too much fast foods which are always full of sodium, trans fats, sugars and more. Try to greatly reduce how often you eat out, and buy more foods like fruits and vegetables. Another way to reduce your fat and salt intake is to refrain from eating foods such as canned soups and processed foods because these are always full of preservatives and high in sodium.

Changing your lifestyle can seem like it will be too much of a hassle but if you really want to transform your baldness into a healthy head of hair, you will need to make some changes. Remember, eating the right foods and herbs is the cheapest, easiest and most fun way to prevent hair loss.


Source by Boone Swann

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