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How Do I Start a Blog?

How Do I Start a Blog?


So, you want to start a blog, but you do not know how to start a blog? Sure – it can seem difficult, but really it is a very simple thing.

Just to make sure we are on the same page – Blog is short for Web Log. There are so many times of blogs out there that the choice is really up to you as to what you want to use your blog for. It could be conversational, expertise, comical, news related, or just ramblings of what is going on with your day. All are fine – and you will be in good company with each time, as there are thousands of new blogs every day.

So – if there are so many getting started, how are people doing it? How are they starting a blog?

Free vs Cheap

When you get started, you have a choice. Do you want to go with a free blogging service or do you want to have more control over your blog and pay a little bit of money each month for it.

Advantages of Free

Well, lets see – IT IS FREE. Yea, that is nice. And if you are new to blogging, it is a great place to start. They make it super easy to get started, get online, and start writing. Two of the most popular free blog hosts are Blogger and WordPress. Blogger allows for you to put ads on your blog if you want to try and make a little money. WordPress can do the same, but they are very strict about the type of content / money you can try and generate on WordPress.

Disadvantages to Free

Well – if you break any of their rules, even if you didn’t mean to – they can suspend your blog without notifying you. It really stinks when you have been working hard and all of a sudden, your blog is gone. People looking for you can’t find you. Your content is no longer available, and of course – you just get ticked when they do something like that.

Then there is the ‘Cheap’ option

Advantages of Cheap

Well, it isn’t free – but you can get a blog set up on your own hosting account and with your own domain for about $15 the first month (domain is $10, hosting is $5/month) and $5 each month after that. So – it really can be cheap. On top of that – your blog will not be suspended. You have control over the templates, the layout, the colors, the advertising, and just about everything else you could imagine. It is a great way to go if you want to bog.

Disadvantages of Cheap

It takes a bit more time to get your blog set up and running. Not by much – but a little bit. In terms of how to start a blog – this is the more complicated method.


If you are just getting started online and want to blog quickly and easily – go for the free option. If you have some experience with websites and want to do your blogging your way, or if you want to make some money at blogging – go the cheap way.


Source by Will Lowrey

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