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How to Choose Your Wedding Hashtag

Creating a hashtag for your wedding is a wonderful way to help you compile all of the images shared on social media throughout the celebration. Need some help coming up with something unique, easy to remember, and personal? Read on for expert advice!


Grab your partner, and maybe even a few close friends, and a blank sheet of paper. Start writing down all the key words, phrases and names for the wedding. Think location, date, last names, first names, nicknames, etc. Chances are, you will immediately start seeing some great possibilities.

Elizabeth Wisdom and Denis Lagargue chose #denisgetswisdom as their hashtag:

Photo courtesy of Instagram

Narrow it down 

Now that the juices are flowing, narrow down your list to a handful of your favorites. Traits of a perfect hashtag include brevity, comedy, meaning, something memorable, and a reflection of your personal identity or love story. Names can particularly lend themselves well to clever yet meaningful hashtags. For example, one couple whose shared married name was to be Fishbaugh used the hashtag #itsofishal.

Kraig and Staci chose #kracilove for their hashtag:

Photo courtesy of Instagram

Do your homework

Before you finalize your hashtag, take to your social accounts and take it for a test run. If you search your desired hashtag, do hundreds or thousands of pictures come popup? If so, you may want to take a look at one of the others on your list. One of the main reasons for having a hashtag is to easily see all the photos being taken and shared, and that can be tricky if many others are using the same one.  

Vanessa and Joe chose #joenessa as their hashtag:

Photo courtesy of Instagram


Once you have that perfect hashtag, commit to it! Put it on your wedding website or on your stationery, like a mini enclosure card (but not on the invite itself!). Use it throughout the wedding planning process and at all other wedding-related events, like your engagement party, showers, cake tastings, and more. Incorporate it into décor through signage, in the program, or even on custom cocktail napkins or coasters. If you have a photobooth, make sure it’s posted nearby!

Lana Frankel and Daniel Effron used #lanzanddanz:

Photo courtesy of Instagram

Reap the rewards!

After so much thought and effort went into selecting and communicating that perfect hashtag, sit back and enjoy all the awesome photos coming in!! Don’t forget to save them or make a physical book so you can keep those memories close for years to come.

Pat Kelly and Lizzy Pearl kept it simple with #patandlizzy:

Photo courtesy of Instagram 

—Amber Harrison, Wedding Paper Divas’ Style Trend Expert

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