The number one question that most people have before they suggest to their lover is which diamond engagement ring should they choose? This is perhaps the number one problem most men face because they simply do not know what their lover like about jewelry and rings. This is not uncommon because many men are busy and they simply do not have the time to know their lover preferences and tastes in jewelries.
If you're one of them, it's nothing to worry about. There's no definite answer to the question either. Women taste in jewelry and rings can change any moment, just like the trend and fashion. However, you still need to know what are her current trends in jewelry and most importantly, what she does not like. Nothing can be more disastrous than being rejected simply because you bought the wrong engagement ring that she dislike.
You will need to consider what kind of metal attractions her attention most. White gold, silver, platinum, yellow gold or titanium. Titanium is not very popular among the women but again, you must be well educated enough to make the decision of buying the perfect diamond engagement ring for her. If you choose white gold or sterling silver as the metal for your engagement band, be sure that your lover is not allergic to nickel. Some people find that their skin will get rashes if they wear jewelries with nickel in the alloy.
After you've decided which metal will make her happy and satisfied, it's time to decide what kind of diamond you should buy for her. Most brides like to have diamonds on their engagement ring, so again, try to confirm this too. You do not need to ask her upfront if she would like a diamond on her engagement ring. Try approaching her friends or family, they can give you a clue or two.
Picking the perfect diamond for your engagement ring requires some research and patience on your part. For your information, colorless diamonds are the most valuable of all but diamonds are limited to colorless. In fact, you will find blue, red, yellow, green and even pink diamonds sold in the jewelry market. Another important thing to consider is how you would like your diamond to be cut. You're not going to cut the diamond yourself, rather your jeweler or the ring designer is going to do it. Basically, the more sophisticated and precise a diamond is cut, the more valuable and beautiful it will be.
If you're really serious about marrying your lover, be sure to do everything in your power to get the perfect diamond engagement ring. You do not need to break your bank account to do this but you will certainly need to invest some time and patience. After all, you're going to spend the rest of your life with her so be sure to get her a diamond engagement ring that will make her cry with joy and happiness. Give her every reason to happily say "yes" from the bottom of her heart.
For more information about picking the perfect ring, visit the diamond engagement ring article .
Source by James Fong