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Men’s Watches: Jewelry or Tools?

Men’s Watches: Jewelry or Tools?


Jewelry can bring happiness to both children and adults, young and old. A favored accessory, some jewelry combines aesthetics with functionality. Because of its versatility, a debate has ignited among jewelry wearers, specifically among men who wear watches. While nonetheless a friendly dispute, the question posed elicits an array of opinions. Is a man’s watch considered fashionable jewelry? Or is a watch a timepiece, a tool of sorts, created solely for displaying the time and date? As co-owner of an online jewelry store specializing in men’s jewelry, it is my opinion that watches are both jewelry and tool. In essence, watches are multi-purposed pieces. They are considered fashion jewelry, with many including bonus features. Today’s watches have the capability of performing a wide range of functions.

Men’s watches, in their various forms, have been around for centuries. Like many other things, the styles and functions of men’s watches have changed over the course of time. In the 1700’s, the traditional pocket watch was born. In 1920, chained watches were replaced with wristwatches, known as wristlets. As technology became more advanced, so did watches. The first electronic watch was developed in the 70’s proving that not only were styles changing; their purpose had matured as well. As the capabilities of men’s watches evolved, the watch became known as the only piece of jewelry having both style and functional attributes.

In order to understand why many consider a man’s watch a necessary tool, you need to look no further than its function. No longer are watches merely timepieces. Today, many of the men’s watches available come fully loaded with alarms, reminders, stop-watch capabilities, GPS (Global Positioning System) and yes, even some can monitor critical information such as heart-rate. It’s easy to understand with all the bells and whistles now available why many consider men’s watches much more than another piece of fashion jewelry.

When purchasing jewelry for my store, I make it a point to choose jewelry that is not only stylish and affordable but versatile as well. For example, many of the pendants and necklaces offered add style to both casual and business attire. The same rationale applies to many individuals who wear watches. While watches are indeed fashionable, they also fulfill a need. At a minimum, they provide the time. At most, they can save your life.

In my many years of working with consumers, I have come to a conclusion. Only one thing determines why a person buys jewelry: their individual need. Herein lies the answer to whether a watch is jewelry, a tool or better yet, perhaps both.


Source by Irit Zeevi

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