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Should I Expect Some Hair Loss?

Should I Expect Some Hair Loss?


It is not unusual for men, as they get older, to lose some hair. Maybe 80 percent of all men will lose some or even all of their hair. The age this begins can vary from the late teens onward. Thankfully, most men do not lose much hair before their middle to late forties but some hair loss can be expected from about then on.

The genetic condition describing this loss of hair is Alopecia. Women too may carry this genetic factor and sometimes even lose some hair but its loss will most likely be different from men's hair loss; usually resulting in a thinning of the hair growth, and usually not at the front of the head. This condition of hair loss for women is unusual. Called "male pattern baldness" This hair loss for men is caused by the presence of "androgens," male hormones, testosterone, which with time converts to dihyrotestosterone which we shorten to DHT. The condition in men is more common because it is a male hormone, we are born with and because we are male have more of it in our system than women.

The hair loss condition will normally not stop once it begins. The process can in many situations be slowed or even partially reversed with continued care of the condition of the scalp and hair follicles. There are many excellent shampoos and conditioners, some containing "natural" herbs, essential oils, and minerals such as Saw Palmetto, Lavender, Tea Tree Oil and such have historically been suspected to have hair re-growth properties.

There are also surgical treatments which have been found to be effective. Microscopic Follicular Unit Grafting (MFUG) is one medical process which has excellent results. This system replaces the traditional "transplant" surgery where doctors used to lift patches of skin and graft these onto areas of the scalp that had the most hair loss. This often produced an "un-natural" appearance which is now avoided by using the new process.

Some men suffering with hair loss have found it more to their advantage to adapt hairpieces. Called toupees they have always been an option but because less costy they can ofen be difficult to maintain and embarrassing to use. Others have opted for a hat or other head covering and find it a "hit or miss" cover-up for a problem that will not go away.

More recently there have been scientific breakthroughs in non-surgical medical solutions to the hair-loss problem. Products such as Rogaine, Propecia, and Lately Provillus, have found wide acceptance with varying results. Provillus, with a warranty on its effectiveness, has reported up to eighty percent positive results. These reports vary from light hair growth improvement to "full" return of hair growth. Obviously the results vary from person to person and there is no way to predict what results any individual may expect.

It is your choice to determine what hair-loss solution you may want to try. If there is any question in your mind to its effectiveness or its safety, you should feel comfortable speaking with your physician before undertaking any treatment.

Some individuals opt for the complete shave. Many men, and some women even look amazingly beautiful sans the full head of hair. This is really an option only you could decide was for you. Whatever your choice be sure to carefully consider your options, ask for expert advice and go with your best solution to that age-old problem of getting older / looking different. Have a great hair day.


Source by James J Maloney

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