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Simple Natural Steps to Remove Facial Hair Quickly

Simple Natural Steps to Remove Facial Hair Quickly


We usually think of facial hair being only on men, but it is a fact that lots of women have it too. This hair can be around the lips, especially on the upper lip, on the chin, on the nose between the eyes, or on the sides of the cheeks. Unwanted hair can occur on any woman, but, as women get a bit older – and especially during or after menopause – facial hair concerns become even more common. Because of the commonness of this problem, and also because of the cultural need for women to be free of it, more and more women are looking for simple, natural steps to remove facial hair.

The number one rule is to never, ever shave facial hair, ladies. Just ask any man; if you shave it, it grows back quickly and thicker than it was before. One simple way to remove it is to tweeze or pluck it out. This works best when there is just a stray hair here and there, of course. If you have a whole area of ​​facial hair, you will need something more than tweezers.

Waxing facial hair is very common and can be simple and effective; If you do not like the idea of ​​putting all those pre-made waxes on your face, you can try a simple, natural homemade wax. Honey, heated up in the microwave, is a good, simple, natural alternative to manufactured wax. If you want to wax, what you do is this. Heat up he wax or wax alternative in the microwave until it is warm but not too hot.

Once it is a spreadable texture, get a Popsicle stick and apply it to the hair. Whichever way the hair is growing, apply it in the same direction. Do a small section at a time. Then, get a small piece of hair-removal cloth, and apply it over top of the wax. Make sure it sticks well to the face. Then, take one hand and pull the skin tight. With the other hand, remove the cloth by pulling in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Pull really fast! All or most of the hair will come right out. Use tweezers to pluck ant tough strips. Repeat everywhere it is necessary.


Source by Susan Jordan

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