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Three Great Monkey Fancy Dress Ideas

Three Great Monkey Fancy Dress Ideas


So you want to have the joker of the jungle at your next fancy dress party. Everyone loves nature's comedians, and a good monkey fancy dress costume is not too hard to find. Although they can be tricky to make if you prefer trying to create your own.

The best monkey suits really require a big old body suit, although these come in so many shapes and sizes, it does not need to be expensive to look great. And the excellent thing about dressing up as a monkey – it's one of those costumes which does not matter quite as much as the acting. You really have to get into character as a monkey, so get practicing!

In the meantime here are some ideas to help you on your way:

1. Full monkey body suit
This is the deluxe of monkey costumes. If you can find or make a monkey body suit that includes the head, face, hands and feet you have the ultimate monkey image going on. The greatest things about these suits is that no one knows who is inside them – so you can literally monkey around all you like with relative safety that people will not pin things on you.

2. Simple monkey suit with banana
It's no necessary to go all out on a full body suit with face, hands and everything to pull of a great monkey fancy dress costume. Some good face paint will cover the head and face. And is you can get some monkey-brown colored furry cloth you could make a body suit with relative ease.

An important touch is a lighter-colored chest patch. And of course the ultimate monkey prop – a banana.

3. Monkey street performer
An even more fun type of monkey costume is the monkey street performers of the 18th century. Get into your monkey costume and find a red fez, red tunic and some red shorts, and practice your dance! Some tambourines to bang together will make this image perfect.

There are so many cool jungle characters you can dress up as. The best thing to do is to get your monkey costume and have your friends dress up as the other animals. You can have a lion, a tiger, a giraffe, an elephant, a gorilla, a crocodile and any other animal you can think of! Be warned, the party is likely to degenerate into screaming, capping animal noises and quite a mess – there is a lot of temptation to really get into character when you're dressed up as an animal.


Source by Rachael C Thompson

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