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Tips For Getting Rid of Bald Spots – The Answers to Hair Loss

Tips For Getting Rid of Bald Spots – The Answers to Hair Loss


Whether you’re a man or a woman bald spots can affect the way you feel about yourself. Some people accept it for what it is and others do everything they can to stop it. Women tend to take the matter more seriously because a woman going bald is much more rare than a man. Just because your bald does not mean there is on treatment for it. The chemicals and hormones that comprise our bodies all respond different to the various treatments out there. Here are 3 great tips for getting rid of bald spots.

1. Get A New Shampoo

The first tip for getting rid of bald spots is getting a new shampoo. This is the easiest tip for getting rid of bald spots and combating hair loss. There are many shampoos for both men and women, some work good while others are not quite up to par. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of anti-hair loss shampoos that are available. Anti Hair Loss shampoos are the most budget friendly out of all of the tips for getting rid of bald spots. If your shampoo has too much “lather” you should get rid of it. This lather has nothing to do with cleaning our hair and usually very harsh. Great hair loss shampoos include but are not limited to Baumes Hair Plus, Revita, Nioxin, Thymuskin, and Nano. Try experimenting with different ones to see what works best for you, and avoid over the counter hair thickening shampoo. These are usually very low quality and have poor results.

2. Diet Change

The second tip for getting rid of bald spots is changing your diet. A poor diet will leave you malnourished and will not give your hair the the proper nutrients necessary to grow. Plants need water to grow, if you gave them soda they would die eventually. If you don’t eat a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients you will only go bald faster. Cells reproduce if they have enough fuel to do so. So diets rich in Vitamin C, iron, Vitamin B, protein, and zinc will help hair cells reproduce so new hair growth can begin. Exercise is good so your blood circulation is higher and the nutrients get there faster. Our body delivers nutrients through our blood, so if circulation is poor you will likely make matters worse.

3. Test Out Various Hair Loss Treatments

The final tip for stopping hair loss and getting rid of bald spots is finding a hair loss treatment. Don’t worry there are many good products that will not cost you the price of a car. The average cost for hair transplantation is $12,000, which is for if your hair loss is sever. If your just trying to get rid of bald spots than it’s not to late to start some new hair growth. DHT is a chemical that is produced inside our bodies that shrinks hair follicles and makes it difficult for new hair to push through. What does this mean? This means that your hair cannot regrow as long as this chemical is overproduced. The cells cannot divide and produce new cells because the hair folicles are weakened and eventually they cannot regrow when old hair dies out. Most hair loss products stop DHT from producing so much, this way hair can regrow again and you can get rid of bald spots. The Art Of Healthy Living Health site recommends Provillus, Advecia, Nanogen and Folligen. In addition to those you can try Minoxidil or Viviscal. Most of these can be found at OnlyHairLoss.

These are the very best tips for getting rid of bald spots and if you follow them you can stop the bald spot before it stops you. If you don’t take care of the problem while it’s still developing you could be risking losing all your hair to the point where only hair transplantation will work. Having bald spots is not something you have to accept it is that can be avoided and you can start growing hair today if you just take the time to follow these simple tips for getting rid of bald spots.


Source by Matthew Lacey

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