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Transition to Natural Hair Without Cutting Your Relaxed Hair

Transition to Natural Hair Without Cutting Your Relaxed Hair


Do you want to transition to natural hair, but not comfortable with cutting off the relaxed strands right away? Are you concerned with your hair breaking off during the transition period? Rest assured it is very possible to go through the transition process without experiencing tons of breakage. To clarify though, you will experience some breakage. However, it can be minimized with proper care and healthy hair care practices.

First, you must decide that going the natural route is right for you. It’s going to take a lot of commitment to travel down this road of many stumbling blocks. Although, you may get weary some times throughout the process, you will also experience fun and a sense of freedom. This is possible, because you will start to realize as you experiment with different products and transition hair styles, that your natural tresses are versatile!

Secondly, you need to be prepared for the breakage. The breakage will happen at the demarcation line (which is the point at which your new growth/natural hair meets the relaxed hair). It is imperative that the demarcation line stays moisturized. This softens the new growth, allows for easier handling, and mitigates the risk of breakage. It is equally critical (especially if you have thin fine hair) to integrate protein treatments. These hair treatments strengthen your mane and provide a safeguard against damage. A major protein treatment can be done every 6 weeks and a mild treatment such as utilizing a re-constructor can be done once a week. Always remember that with protein you must follow up with a moisturizing conditioner.

Until you are ready for the “big chop” or going totally natural here are some ways to transition without cutting off all of the relaxed ends at one time:

· Choose hair styles that will serve as a protective regimen, blend both the natural and straight textures, and provide low manipulation. Some examples are roller sets, straw sets, flat twists, two strand twists, cornrows, sew in weaves, etc.

· Dust the ends or do really small trims throughout transitioning. This helps to keep split ends at a minimal, keeps the tangles at bay, and gives and overall cleaner look.

· Use direct heat (blow dryers, curling irons, pressing combs, flat irons, etc.) sparingly. Frequent usage of direct heat causes the hair to become dry, contributing to breakage. Additionally, it can also cause heat damage to the non-relaxed hair.

· Develop a regimen that includes shampoo, deep condition (light or heavy protein), moisturizing conditioner, and a leave in conditioner.

The key is in treating your strands like fine silk with proper care and attention. You will see that transitioning to natural isn’t so bad. Plus, when you actually do get rid of all the relaxed ends, you will see that your natural hair is a nice length!


Source by Antonina Geer

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